Part 12: What just happened-

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Zealand sat straight up in his bed, coming down from a panic. He looked around. the room was dark, in one corner was two kiwi birds sleeping in a dog bed and one kiwi sleeping next to it. The only light in the room was the alarm clock that flashed 1:02am. It had all been some kind of fever dream. Zea tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. Eventually he decided to get up and just get something to eat. He got up, threw his hoodie on and went out to the kitchen. Canada was already there, eating a bit of leftovers. "What are you doing up?" Asked Canada. "I had a weird dream and couldn't get back to sleep" Zealand said, walking over to them. "Heh, strange, I had a weird dream too" Said Canada. "Bet yours wasn't as weird as mine" Said Zealand. "Oh really? Did yours have witches and griffins in it?" Said Canada. "I...Yea it did you know?" Said Zealand. Canada paused for a second. "Uh...was America and Australia in your dream?" He asked. " were you" Said Zealand. Now they both paused. "You think the others had the same dream?" Zealand asked. "I'm not sure, we can ask in the morning" Said Canada. Zealand wasn't gonna wait till morning, he stared blankly for a second then ran straight to Australia's room. "zEALAND NO-" Canada said, trying keep his voice down.

Zealand ran straight into Aussies room and started flipping the light on and off. "AUSSIE WAKE UP I WANNA ASK YOU SOMETHING!" He yelled. "gaAh- Zealand it's the middle of the night what the fuck do you want" Said Aus. "Did you have a weird dream with a pet griffin and witches!?" Said Zealand. Aus just looked at them, trying to figure out if he was still asleep. "It's 1am can't this wait?" He asked. "Tell me and I'll leave you alone" Zealand said. "Alright fine, yea I had a dream with a griffin and witches- there happy now?" He said. "Yes, Thankyou" Zealand said. Aus just flopped back down and thought for a second before realising. "Wait- How the fuck did you know!?" He asked. "Me and Canada had the same dream" Said Zealand. Canada was at the doorway when Zealand walked out just shrugging that he didn't know anything about this either.

Nz ran for America's room before Canada could stop him and did the same thing with the lights "WAKEY WAKEY BITCH! I WANNA ASK YOU SOMETHING" He yelled. America just stayed down and flipped Zealand off. "Go to bed kiwi" He said. "Ok fine but riddle me this- did you have a weird dream with witches and whatever the fuck the chess board lady was?" Asked Zealand. America lifted his head up a bit, with a concerned look. "Chess board lady?" He asked. "Yea Y'know, the weird bitch with the red eyes" Said Zealand. "Yea..I do the hell do you know?" Asked America. "Me, Nadda and Aussie all had the same dream" said Zealand. "Weird...Why are you still in my room" Said America. Canada just grabbed Zea and pulled him out of Ames room before he caused any trouble.


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