It Was Early May

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"We don't have long to talk. She'll wake up soon. Just meet me tonight by half blood hill" the black haired boy said.

Despite talking to two of his closest friends, his usual lopsided grin was gone, a determined almost frown replacing it.

The laughing sea green eyes everyone was used to were instead sad and distant.

The hero who was once thought of as strong was broken.

Slinging her bow over her shoulder, the blue eyed girl looked at him with worry. "Percy, are you sure?"

Percy gave a grin nod. "Honestly, it's the only thing I'm sure of,"

The ghost king nodded, "we'll be there,"

"Thanks death breath," with a small smile, he left them.

But, like every great story, you can't start in the middle, and the story of Percy Jackson is the same way.

You see, there are things even the gods don't want to admit. Things like their part in the death of Percy Jackson.

Of course it wasn't them per say. They didn't send him away but they didn't stop camp half blood either.

And it wasn't like they realized too late what was happening, it wasn't like they were under her control. They let it happen.

The gods didn't see it then, but the sky got darker each day, the water becoming more and more dangerous, the world got worse and worse each day.

The gods were becoming corrupt, and without the hero of Olympus to ground them, it was almost a matter of time before they became just like their parents (the titans).

Although the gods were becoming corrupt over the years, it started early May, the same day she took over.

And I'm not talking about taking over a small section of land like the tri state area, I mean she took over him.

Maybe that's where this story should start. Well, a part of it.

A story can never truly start unless you go all the way back, but no one wants to deal with chaos yet. He comes in later, technically now, but I'm telling the story of the beginning.

Wow, I'm bad at third person. I'm using I. I guess someone had to tell the story.

Back to the regularly scheduled fanfic flashback.

"Hey piper," Percy said, walking into the aphrodite cabin.

The other Aphrodite kids day on their beds, staring blankly into space.

The hero of Olympus didn't realize it. He didn't realize a lot before he broke.

Maybe it was his lopsided grin that made him too happy to notice, or his laughing sea green eyes that were too busy to be smart.

"Hey," the brunette responded, smiling.

"What's up?"

Piper smirked. "Your standards,"

Laughing because he had no clue what she meant, Percy spoke. "What do you mean by that?"

"I don't really know, but don't you just feel an overwhelming urge to kiss me?" The leader of the aphrodite cabin used her power.

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