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Jemma’s P.O.V.

I woke up dazed and confused to say the least. But from what I remember from last night, I was in a dimly litted elevator with a bright red headed boy named Michael. Was that a dream? I know I was a tiny bit intoxicated, but not that much. If I was then Joe would’ve definitely led me up to my room to make sure I was alright, but I have no recollection of him except for our casual exchange of small minty snacks.

The clock read 12 pm and I was thanking God because I knew I didn’t have anything that important planned out for today so sleeping in was completely fine. But of course my stomach would start grumbling at such a comfy moment like this.

I forced myself to get up to go to my fridge and make some food even if it was just something as simple as a cereal, but unfortunately I was all out. I basically had condiments and base foods like bread that you couldn’t eat alone.

This meant one thing.

I had to put pants on.

No but seriously, I had to put pants on to go to the store to pick up food and that just seems so displeasing to me. The hard part about moving out from my parents’ house was the fact that I had to be the one to buy food and it wouldn’t just appear in the fridge like it usually would after my mum’s trip to the groceries, I had to make trips of my own now. 

I trudged back into my room and slipped out of the tight dress that I fell asleep in from last night and threw on any random shirt I found and pulled some pants on to go out in public. When I stepped into the bathroom to actually see the aftermath from the night before, I had to keep myself from making the most inhuman sound. My make up dried on my face from sleeping in it making it ten times harder to get off and even when I did, there were still stains from where it began to smudge and my hair, god my hair, it was like a rat’s nest mixed with curls. I brushed it out and it became a big frizzy mess that I had to force into a bun just to look presentable before lacing up the first pair of shoes I could find and headed out to get food in me. 

Michael’s P.O.V.

"Dude just go over there since you’re so keen on meeting her again," Luke groaned starting to get annoyed at me

I wouldn’t blame him. I’ve been on and on about this topic since I woke up at 9 am today. The only reason why I woke up this early as because I couldn’t stop thinking about this girl, Jemma.  She literally lives a few feet away from us for fucks sake, I carried her to her bed in her own flat and I don’t even have the guts to see her again. 

"She’s going to think I’m mad," I said leaning back against the couch in defeat

"Mike if you don’t knock on her door right now, I’ll do it for you," Calum threatened

"Fuck you Cal," I closed my eyes trying to think of what I was going to do

"Fine," He stated before I opened my eyes to find him walking out the door

"Wait you dick, don’t do it!" I called out running after him

"Then you do it!" He said stopping his feet right in front of her door

"No," I whispered in case she could hear us on the other side

"Yes!" He yelled

"Shut up," I said 

"Are you going to do it or not Clifford?" 

I was contemplating on it, but it happened. We started hearing her doorknob jiggle and before I could think, Cal had already sped into our flat and shut the door behind him, deliberately locking me out. I struggled to get my keys out and open the door, but it was all for nothing because she was already out by the time I got it in the hole.

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