Chapter 4

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After school I left Kiara with Ethan.

"I have to go pick up my sister. Bye."

I saw Kiara wave back.

I was walking to my sister school. It was pretty far from mine. About 6-7 blocks.

I saw a fimiliar girl. I think I knew her. I don't know how or when.

As I was walking closer I saw her with a boy. Kissing.

I was shocked who she was!

It was KARLA!!

I didn't say anything but I was so mad at her! How can she cheat on Daniel? I would never do anything like that to him!

I wouldn't say anything to her or else she threatened me with something.

I just walked the other corner so she wouldn't recognize me.

I was so mad I was crying. I always cry of madness.

I checked the time. 4:49

My sister, Kaylee was in school. After school program. I'm glad she stays there. She gets so annoying. I had to pick her up because my Mom was coming late.

But I was thinking while I was walking. Should I tell Daniel? I mean he has every right to know. But then he'll think I want to separate them.

I picked my sister up. She noticed I cried.

"Were you crying?"


"Why?" Kaylee asked.



She understands. I always cry of madness.

I went home and saw my brother Jacob.

"Don't bother her Jacob she was crying." Kaylee told him.

Jacob was older than me. 4 years older.

"You were crying?" He laughed.

"Shut up."


"Why do you care?"

"Fine. I won't ask you no more questions." He walked away and played his video games.

I went to my room used the computer until my younger sister came.

"Hi Crystal. Kaylee told me you cried. Why?" Jessica said.

"Next time I won't tell Kaylee anything. She's a snitch. "


"Oh. So you know my crush Daniel."

"The hot dude."

"Yeah." I tell Jessica everything. She 13 and I'm 16.

"What happened."

"He's dating a girl name Karla."

"That sucks."

"Well when I was going to pick Kaylee up I saw her with another boy kissing."

"She's a bitch."

"Should I tell Daniel?"

"Hell yeah."

"But I feel he will think I want to separate them."

"Get revenge."

That was a good idea but I don't think it will work out.


"Then make a trap."

That was the best idea.

"A trap! Yes! Thank you Jessica! I love you!"

"Okay? Welcome."

That was what I was gonna do make a trap.

Thank you for reading! I hope you are liking the story so far.




~ Evyland

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