Chapter 6 • Plan

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The next day I was so happy to go to school. I felt like a little a girl going to pre-K.

I had a plan. I followed Jessica's advice. Make a trap! But I needed more than one person. I can't count Kiara in this. I mean she's so innocent she wouldn't do nothing bad.

I was planning having some of the bad girls with me. Like Helen, Taylor, and Karen. And some intelligent people. Okay, maybe I do need Kiara in this. But just for an idea to make a trap. It's not gonna affect her in her studies.

I went to school early and went to Kiara.

"Kiara. Help me make a trap. "

"What? Huh? How? "

"Oh yeah I haven't told you." I said. "I saw Karla kissing another boy yesterday. And I want to tell Daniel-"

"Then tell him!" Kiara screamed at me.

"But he's gonna think I want them to break up. And stop interrupting me."


"So yeah. I need your help. Since you're smart and all that. How can I tell Daniel that Karla cheated on him without telling him. And Karla knowing that I didn't do shit in this."

"You need to find out Karla's 'boyfriends' name. Sent a note to her where there gonna meet up. Do the same to Daniel but at a later time. About 8-10 minutes later. Daniel is gonna see. And things get complicated."

"And I am going to talk to Helen, Taylor, and Karen in this too." I was walking away and she pulled my sleeve.

"For what?!"

"To help me. Duh."

I went. I was looking for them. But I needed to go to the bathroom first. When I was entering I saw them tagging on the walls with some sharp glass.

"Helen! " I yelled at her.

She looked at me chewing gum. "Why did you scream at me."

"I needed to get your attention. "

"Well you already got it."

"Can you help me set a trap."

"Who's involved."

"Daniel, Karla-" I was cut off.

"Karla! The ugly popular girl who thinks she's all that. "

"Yeah. And her other boyfriend."

"She cheating on Daniel, huh. I saw it coming. So when's the trap."

"I don't know. Maybe tomorrow, tomorrow ?"

"I guess." She chewed her gum."TAYLOR, KAREN. "

They came out of nowhere in the stalls.

"What's the news gosh." Karen said bothered.

"We got a new trouble here?" Taylor said. Looked at me wierd. I thought I was gonna get beat up.

"Nah. Chill guys." She walked up to me. "Tomorrow tell me how it's gonna work or no business."

Then they walked away.

Helen is the Leader in there. They've gotten suspended for so many times. But none of them seem to care. They've meet each other one day in detention. They were in 7 grade.

All of them dress in Black. Have their mail poilish in black. Everything black.

But one thing that I love about them is. They hate Karla as much as I do.

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