Hey white members of the writing community!

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Why are you still silent?
Why are you still not doing your part during this crucial time?
Why are you complicit?

You've got a lot of work to do. Staying silent and not taking action is dangerous for many, many reasons. Why would you stay silent anyway? You have black writers, you have black readers, black copywriters, black editors, black publishers, black beta readers, black proofreaders....and yet you are still here, going past every post on Black Lives Matter because you are PRIVILEGED to not have a movement like this.

Obviously, I know the Wattpad community is being extremely vocal about this movement, but I also know that some of you are not vocal enough. In this book, I will share resources on what you can do to educate yourself, petitions, donations, news, ways to support the black community and black writers, activists and other black people you should follow.

It took George Floyd's murder to capture the world's attention. There has been many, MANY murders that should've woken you up, but you're here now, and you should stay.

Social media is slowly returning to normal, even when more black people are getting killed after George Floyd's murder. Speaking up about Black Lives Matter and educating yourself should be the new normal on social media.

Please don't go silent. Stop staying silent. Retweet, repost and share your support of the Black Lives Matter movement if you feel that you're not educated enough to speak out on it.

It's a crucial time. Silence is violence. Educate yourself.

Petitions are in my bio.

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