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My uncle was in the kitchen cooking , while me watching him and asking some questions , i heard someone knocking at the door , so i went to open it, i saw two men's (handsome's) one is taller than the other maybe three , four inches he has long hair i like it , and the other one is shorter , green eyes ,blonde hair , he kept staring at me like he's shocked , i looked confused between them .

" can i help you?"i ask.

"I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean . We are friends of your uncle chris .We were just passing through and thought we would stop by for a visit."The man name Sam answered .First i looked confused .

"oh..." I was about to say something. "Lydia , who's at the door?" when my uncle Chris asks me while he was approaching to the door ,holding a towel in his hand , but when he made his way into the front door , i looked at his face and saw him in mix of emotions.

"Dean and Sam Winchester's , what a lovely surprise! come in." my uncle exclaims before turning to me to say ." Lydia , why don't you go to your room while me and the boys catch up in the office huh?"he suggest.

I nod and does as he told me and go up stairs to my  room and close the door, i really don't care about my uncle friends they are boring , i set in my bed took a book and start reading after an hour i was bored and thought it would be great if i walk for a little and maybe to stop by at my friend house Allison  . so i open my door and head downstairs i knock at the office door to tell my uncle.

I've been living with my uncle since i was 8 years old , i don't remember my mom that much but i loved her and i will always do ,she died by an animal attack they think it was a bear or a mountain lion, but my uncle said he took care of it , i didn't knew my dad, my mom said that his job is dangerous and he can't be here with us , for me it's bullshit i figured out if he wants me he would be here and what dangerous job that will be an FBI, drug dealer , Mafia...... .My family has a weapons company  and i basically know every gun weapon has ever built my uncle taught me everything , well not everything once he wanted to taught me how to fight when i was 9 but i'm not an athlete type ,so i didn't want him to taught me i was a kid and a girl why should i learn how to fight,  if i had my uncle and know how to shot with a gun that was enough for me.

My uncle opened the door , i smiled at him."Lydia , i thought i told you i would be with some friends, and i also thought you've told me that you think am boring and you've no interest to be in the office and knowing my friends?"My uncle told me in worrying tone i ignored it.

"yeah i know , and still have no interest , well here for something else you know like a little walk at the town.... won't hurt and going to a friend house .. what do you think ?"i asked smiling.

"NO it's dangerous out there you're not going."He said slowly.

"I agree with your uncle it's not safe out there alone"Dean the shorter man said .I ignored him, what's his problem anyway.

"Please ,... can you say no to those big green eyes and this smile , besides it's 5 p.m. it's almost daylight and there are plenty of people out, no one will kidnap me , don't worry i will be save, and if i needed you i will call. "I said giving him the poppy dog look , because it always works .

"Okay , but you gonna answer me every time i rang , if you don't then consider yourself grounded for life"He demands.

"Okaay jeez ,you've got that , bye " I leans closer and kiss my uncle on his cheek it something we do when we head out or when we leave each other .

 I left the house and went for a walk in the town , i was walking when i noticed the guy who was trying to be my boyfriend in the school the past three weeks ,(His name is glen or something, he arrived with some group three weeks ago , they all weird's there smell is stink like the dead people and they are trying to make me join them, they are weird and freaks). I noticed him standing at the alley watching me with his friends , i ignored them and kept walking to the store to buy some chips and chocolate .

dean winchester daughterWhere stories live. Discover now