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"I'm not riding that thing."

Forth scoffed, amused that even now——with Beam fisting the fabric of Forth's shirt, his weight against his chest——he could still find the strength within him to argue.  "Then, do you prefer I carry you to your dorm?" Forth asked lightly.  At the teasing in Forth's words, the Casanova scoffed and attempted to pull himself away from the arm that curled around his waist that made Beam feel oh, so, small.  As Beam attempted to pry away the five fingers that held his waist, Forth placed a second hand across Beam's chest to keep Beam's hand still.  "Fuck, Ai'Forth," cursed Beam as he tried more harder, more frantic, to free himself of Forth's touch.  "Let go."

"Calm down, na.  Calm down, na."  Forth's words were soft, too soft for the man who wore leather and smelt of cigarettes.  "Do you have the keys to your car?"

Clicking his tongue, Beam reluctantly raised a keychain that held two keys.  Forth raised a hand for the keys, but before his fingers could touch the metal, Beam pulled his hand away. "This does not make me your wife."

Forth snatched the keys that dangled from Beam's fingertips with a cunning smile. "Khrub."

The walk to Beam's vehicle had been rather quiet, aside from the few few cursed words Beam would share when he would notice Forth watching him for a moment too long to be deemed "friendly".  But, by the sixth time he had met Forth's gaze, Beam couldn't bring himself to care.  He was too tired.  So, when the engineering student parked his car outside not Beam's dorm, but his own dorm, Beam couldn't bring himself to ask if this were a kidnapping or, in fact, truly care if that were the case.  As long as there is a bed, he had told himself as Forth unbuckled Beam's seat belt and all but carry Beam up the steps that led to room number 12-A.

Forth could only watch, with the smallest smile tugged at the corners of his lips, as Beam curled underneath the virgin white duvet. "Stupid Ai'Pha," he could vaguely make out the words as Beam tossed and turned, struggling to find a comfortable position, "stupid Ai'Kit, stupid Ai'Forth."

"Owh, what did I do?" questioned Forth, innocently, as he seated himself at the end of Beam's mattress.

"Got me sick," grunted Beam as he squirmed in his bed, attempting to kick away his shoes. "Ai'Asshole."   With a quiet chuckle, Forth reached for Beam's leg and placed it on his lap. Picking at the shoe laces, the engineering student said with something Beam could almost swear was fondness, "Who knots their laces four times?"  Beam attempted to speak, to defend himself because, of course, he would knot his laces four times, or else his shoe laces would continue to unravel, tangle amongst themselves, be dragged across the dirtied pavement and—— and——

And Beam's string of thoughts seized as the words blended together into a long yawn that would soon follow a quiet snore.

"Ah," Forth bit his tongue to keep his smile from growing too wide as his thumb gently caressed the ankle on his lap, "the Casanova snores.  I can't believe this."

• • •

Pha gripped the fabric of Ming's white blouse, his brows crossed with a deep frown as he watched the other vehicles pass the pair. "When you said bike," Phana began with a quiet sigh, "I didn't realize you meant bicycle." Phana felt, more so than heard, the laughter of Ming through the subtle rise and fall of his chest. Slightly irritated by the juniors amusement, Pha lifted his hand and flicked him lightly. "Brat," he tsked. "No wonder Ai'Kit complains about you so much. No respect for your seniors."

With laughter still on his tongue, Ming attempted to defended himself. "I do respect my seniors! If not, you would be walking." Pha snorted, more or less entertained by Ming. "You know, you should be nicer to your nong!"

"Ah, as your senior, I will treat you to a cool beverage one of these day," Pha decided aloud. "Okay, na?"

With the sound of a vehicle, beeping in the distance, Pha knew he had misheard when Ming said, "It's a date."

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