chapter 1. little sad things

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It was a bright and sunny day in Emelka. In a small inn it was always busy and full of life. There was a boy who was the main attraction because he was known though out the world as the last Eliatope and the king of them in fact. It was busyer when events where happening in the small town. Yugo was the boys name.

Yugo's pov

I was making some food for the customer's. It was pretty busy and it was horrible. Why did everyone have to know who I was?! I wish I could go back in time to never have this shit happen! I look at the clock in the kitchen and sigh to myself. I had yet another date with Amalia, we had one everyday of the year. It was kinda getting frustrating. She also keeps complaining about my height, the way I dress, and keeps wanting to see what's under my hat. What's under my hat is personal only a few people and animals knows what's under it, Az, dad, ruel, and that's all I can think of but people should respect other people's wishes. I get done with a few more orders the go to talk to my dad. "Hey dad I have another date with Amalia, so I'm gonna have to leave for the day" I say sadly. I didn't want to leave my dad on such a busy day but I have to make my princess happy. "Alright! I have this place covered. Have fun on your date son!" He says happily. I smile at him, then I teleport away to where Amalia was. It seems she was I the middle of a meeting. Every kingdom's ruler was here. Except for me of course. Every one there just stares at me. The ears on my hat go down from Embresmet. Amalia walks up to me and grabs my had then drags me out of the room. "Yugo! You can't teleport anywhere you want! Wait in my room until I'm done here!" She says with a bit of anger in her voice then go's back into the room.

I look blankly at the door. Then I teleport away. When I look around where I teleported it wasn't familiar. There was a town not a town exactly a city would fit this place best. Then there was a huge dark castle in the middle of it. I walk to the entrance of the place and go through with the approval of the guards. I walk around the city it was rather dark. The building where average sized. I looked for an inn to stay the night. When I finally find one every one just stares at me like I'm some murder or something. I take a seat at the bar and ask to stay the night. When I payed for my room. I went to find it. Going up the stairs was kinda scary. They weren't stable the stairs where about to fall apart anyone could see the basement though them. When I find my room I lock it and lay on the bed. "I wonder if Amalia is wondering where I am right know" I say to myself. I get cosy then I fall asleep.

Morning comes again. I wake up but it's still dark outside this city. It's almost like there's a curse on this place. I get out of bed. I put on my shirt, shoes then I grab the key. I make my way downstairs then I set at one of the tables they were empty. A waiter comes to serve me. "What would you like to order sir" She says smiling at me. I look at the menu. "I'll have pancakes please." I say to her. She nods then walks off. Every one here is either drunk from last night or getting drunk right now. I start to drift off into space until I since something bring thrown at me. I make a portal fast then I I make another one to set the thing on my table. It was a glass cup. I sighed in relief when it didn't brake or hit me in the face. I looked up and saw that everyone was shocked I noticed guards stop eating, then getting up to approach me. They make it to my table and they grab my arms forcely making me cry out in pain. They drag me out of my seat and through the city to the castle. They throw me in fount of there king I cry out a bit from the impact to the floor. I pull myself up to see there king. I was shocked it was dragon. But he didn't look really like a dragon they could be in human form to hide it. "Why do you show me this piece of shit guards?" Say's the king in a rude tone.
One guard speaks up "your majesty. This boy was using some type of portal magic" The guard say's in a scared voice. I look at the king again and see his face. It was something I didn't really understand, I couldn't tell if he was mad or happy. "Take this boy to my room!" He says as he gets up and walks to the door. The guards grab me again and I can't help but cry. They don't know how to be nice to a person.

They hold my arms as we walk through the castle. The king was talking about some shit I didn't care about. "I have meeting with the sadida kingdom today." The king said. It was only thing I payed attention to from him. After a few minutes of walking we finally make it to the kings bedroom. We walk in the guards let go of my arms, then they leave the room and shut the doors. "So what so you want with me?" I said. The king just looks at me then smiles. "Nothing much. But I'm sure the princess of the sadida kingdom would be happy to see you" He says. I just look at him. "I'm going to bring you to the meeting with me. It always gets so boring. But if I come with someone that is beloved by every kingdom, well not every kingdom. It would just make things more exciting, but I won't let you leave my side of course. You wouldn't be anyway because I put a spell on you" He gives me a big evil smile. I wasn't able to say anything. I just stood there looking stupid. "My name is king Adamai what's yours?" He says trying to break the silence. "Shouldn't you know it already?" I say. He just looks at me. Then says "yeah but what's the point? It's better to just include each other. But your no fun Yugo." He then grabs onto my arm and we teleport to the sadida kingdom in the kingdoms conference room. Everyone looks shocked. The king of the sadida's say's "your 1 hour late!". Adamai just responds like a idiot " So what. It's not like your talking about anything interesting." He takes a seat after saying that and I just stand next to him. "Your a really stupid dragon you know." I say to him. Everyone in the room finally noticed me. "Thats mean you know" Adamai says. I can't take this guy seriously. The room feels with chatting. Most of them talking about me. "Yugo! We're having you been!" Yells Amalia. I don't say anything, I put my head down in shame. She walks over to me and slaps me in the face, I put my hand on the right side of my face were she hit me. "I was worried sick about you. Nobody saw you and you show up with a stupid king from another country. Do I mean nothing to you! You left without saying anything!" Say says to me angrily. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry... I'm sorry.." I repeat myself over and over again then I start to cry. I didn't know what to do she was upset because I did say anything the day I wanted a break for a bit. I fell to the floor putting my hands on my ears repeating the same words over again crying. The ears on my hat went down. "Yugo..." I heard Amalia say has she backs away froe not knowing what to do. I felt a hand on my head and stop crying and saying the same words again. It made me feel like butterflies were in my stomach. I jumped up when I felt the hand grab the ears on my hat. I look at Adamai and he laughs a bit. I point to him and say "Are you my dragon brother?". After or say that he stops laughing and has a serious look on his face then replies.

A/n sorry for any bad english it's not my first language.

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