Chapter 22: Mark Commits 2nd Degree Murder

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"OOF! #OW!" Mark was pushed to the ground of The Boss' office along with Gloria, the wind knocked the fuck out of him. "Why does the floor smell like cheese???"

It took a second for Gloria's vision to refocus, but when it did she saw Scrooge in custody. Handcuffed if you will. And he was gagged so we don't have to write him having lines for now. She squinted, pushing herself up onto her knees. She looked up, making eye contact with a smirking mouse with red trousers and bright yellow shoes. His smile sent shivers down her spine.

Mark looked up as well. "What? Dude, aren't you that mouse from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?! Man, I loved that show as a kid!"

Mickey back slapped Mark's face "How DARE you speak to me! Ha-huh!"

"What do you want with us?!" Gloria screamed. She stood up, trying to seem confident. But there was nothing she could do when Launchpad and Chad were in the room. Mark just hung out on the floor, holding his face where Mickey had bitch slapped him. He looked like he was about to cry. I would too if my childhood hero beat the shit out of me.

Mickey sat on his desk, taking a cigarette out of his pocket. "I want what anyone wants in this damn world... a family." He lit his cigarette and puffed a cloud of smoke at his new victims.

"He sounds like Glomgold." Mark muttered to Gloria.

Gloria took a step back, confused. "You want a family? But you imprisoned us! You kidnapped the kids!"

"You do what you gotta do..." He inhaled again before flicking his used cigarette at Mark. It burned through some of his feathers and he flinched, falling back onto his side. It wasn't that big of a deal, but Mark was just a pussy.

"...but why?"

"BECAUSE!" He screamed, standing up from his desk. Chad and Launchpad remained in place but it was obvious even they were a bit worried about their boss' anger. This only put Gloria more on edge. "You don't know what I've been through. After Minnie left me, all I had was that damn Clubhouse with Donald. But you know what he did? Bitch left to raise his family. I had no one. Friends didn't keep in touch. I had no family. No kids. No waifu. My life was shit. I ran away to this damn city to escape, to have power again like I once had over the clubhouse. And when the McDuck family came... I knew I had to make Donald pay. You all will be my new family." He laughed under his breath. "Don't worry about having to pretend to love me. I'll just do to you what I did to Launchpad. Hahuh!"

Mark finally managed to stand up next to Gloria. "Me and Gloria aren't a part of the McFuck family so just let us go!"

Gloria glared at him for throwing Scrooge under the bus like that, but if he truly had changed, maybe he was willing to help rescue them if Mickey let them go. She nodded her head turning to Mickey. "Y-yeah. We're not Donald's family..."

Mickey rubbed his chin and looked at Mark and Gloria. "Well, I can tell Fuckface over there isn't part of the family but you... you're a duck too and all ducks look the same to me." Yeah Mickey was a duck racist. "I have beef with all ducks..."

"Oh wow, that was really racist.."

"I was born in 1928, of course I'm racist ha-huh!" He sighed after his fit of laughter. "Launchpad, Chad, why don't you take the ducks (he said ducks like it was an insult) to the experimentation labs. I'll deal with the parrot."

Launchpad nodded before scooping up Gloria and Scrooge under his arms with Chad following behind.

Mark watched in horror. There was no way in hell he was going to be able to escape without the help of Scrooge and Gloria as much as he hated to admit that to himself. Even if Mickey let him go, what the hell was he supposed to do? Live in the city with the gang? His game plan was to work with Gloria to bust Scrooge and the kids out but that was YEETED out the window. He turned to Mickey with his beak wide open.

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