Lessons in Love

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It was nearly Valentines Day at Hogwarts. Everyone was super excited - writing cards, planning outfits and dates, telling secrets. Little did everyone know, a special guest was due to arrive and help them out.

Barnaby was super excited. He wanted to make this Valentine's Day special, as they didn't get to have one last year. Now that their relationship was out in the open, he felt more that it was easier to ask people for tips on what to get Lana, or what to do for her.

Everyone was gathered in the Great Hall for a mandatory announcement from Professor McGonagall.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please? Valentine's Day is upon us, making now a good time to review social protocols at Hogwarts. For example, if one was to send 800 valentines here, to oneself...leading to the cancellation of breakfast due to excessive owl droppings in the porridge...that student may find him or her self in detention, indefinitely."

"There are worse things than detention. I'm a regular." Jae whispered from across the table.

"800 valentines to oneself...do you think that really happened at Hogwarts?" Charlie wondered.

"And so, to encourage the appropriate celebration of Valentine's Day, there will be holiday-themed lessons in several classes." McGonagall continued.

"Do we score high marks if we've been called a heartthrob?" Barnaby asked across the Slytherin table.

"Whoever uses the word 'heartthrob' should get a poor mark." Merula scoffed.

"It is imperative that you use magic responsibly, especially with matters of the heart." the older witch stated.

"I love matters of the heart!" Penny squealed.

Lana heard her from the Gryffindor table and turned around, giggling.

"And, one final announcement. Gilderoy Lockhart, a former Hogwarts student and rising literary star, is visiting the area on a book tour."

"Gilderoy Lockhart...I might've seen his face on a book cover in Flourish and Blotts..." Lana murmured to herself.

"Mr Lockhart will be giving a guest lecture about his career following your classes. As it so happens, he is quite fond of Valentine's Day. You are dismissed. Happy Valentine's Day to all." McGonagall smiled, and everyone dispersed.

"So what do you think about Valentine's Day?" Talbott asked Lana when they all stood up.

"To be honest, I think it's quite sweet to spend the day with someone you really care about, but I'm not obsessed with it, if you get what I mean." she answered.

"I'm still stuck on what McGonagall said about owl droppings in the porridge. If it's true, it sounds like the worst Valentine's Day ever." Talbott said.

"I wonder what everyone else thinks about Valentine's Day. It seems everyone here is talking about it..." Lana stated, and she joined everyone else in their conversation.

Andre was obsessed with Lockhart's style, Charlie didn't like Valentine's Day because it didn't involve dragons, Jae was offering to smuggle Love Potions, and Merula and Ismleda were sulking in the corner.

She walked over to Barnaby and hugged him from behind, resting her head on his back.

"Hey." she said softly.

"Hey." he chuckled, turning around to hug her properly.

"You excited for Valentine's Day?" she asked, locking her bright eyes with his.

"I'm excited to spend time with you." he smiled, kissing her nose and causing her to giggle.

"Me too, I can't wait!" Lana squealed.

Valentine's at Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now