A Brand New Day

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After years of being the quiet and new kid, Kim Taehyung knew that this year wasn't going to be the same, it was going to be another one of those years.

After 7 years of living without a Father and now a whole summer without his Mother, Tae moved to Seoul with his older Brother, Yoongi. Yoongi had been in University for 2 years and he came down to their home,Daegu just that Summer to be hit with the big truck of no longer having any living relatives other than Tae.

He came back to his childhood home empty and musty with the atmosphere cold and neglected the same as Taehyung had appeared when Yoongi saw him after the long period of time he was away for.

So Yoongi took him back to Seoul, Taehyung with one year left of high school, he was going to move in with Yoongi anyways just a year earlier. Yoongi was doing a music major and producing songs and working at a restaurant to make a living, Tae looked up to him.

But Taehyung was very little estate the whole summer, it'd seem he'd be better one day but the next he was shut in his room audibly crying, but who could blame him?

Yoongi and Taehyung's childhood wasn't the best at all, far from decent. They were abused alot as children over little things that children do, such as getting dirty, wetting the bed, breaking things or just falling over, they were punished for. Their father was very unforgiving, as their mother worked hard for a living slaving away at a job that was an hour away coming home before the children could see her this abuse was under her nose, she never thought they were abused whilst she herself was sacrificing herself to bare his children, to undergo worse treatment to make sure they don't have to be touched, but she was wrong.

They 2 boys were receiving harshly brutal beatings, their father using something new everyday, be it the end of a power cable, a belt or even wire, he didn't care for their whimpers or screams of pain he didn't care about them, only leaving them when he finally grew bored and it become their time to leave for school.

Teachers never asked about the limp in their step, the bruises on their legs or the black eye or busted lip, they turned a blind eye to them, and Taehyung was always bullied for it, little annoying brats saying stuff like "your weak", "your daddy hits you?? You must be a little faggot!", "My daddy doesn't hit me because I have a pair of balls! Where are yours?" And Yoongi would always come to the rescue and scare the kids off before they could get rough with Tae.

This was a daily occurrence until one day, his normal day of sport he went to get changed his teacher that day that was in charge was Miss. Hana she was a wonderful teacher, she was very kind to Taehyung and she gave him little flowers to put in Taehyung's hair and hold his hand when they'd walk around the playground. That day of sport he was in the middle of changing his shirt when she saw welts and brusises both old and new showing on his back, she immediately took notice questioned Tae, he winced at his carelessness.

Taehyung told her everything that day broke into tears and seemingly enough didn't have to play sport because Miss. Hana insisted he stay and talk which he did, by the end of sport they made a pinky promise that Tae would update her every day and try his very best to come to school every day so she can make sure he's ok.

That afternoon Taehyung seemed happier to Miss. Hana then she had ever seen him, but also now she knew why, there was going to be a fair bit of phone calls made today.

That evening whilst Yoongi and Taehyung were doing their homework, their father received a phonecall, and he yelled for 10 minutes, storming out of the house leaving Yoongi and Taehyung confused.

That day their mother had left for a month long business trip for work in another country. Their father didn't come back that night or ever for that mother, so the boys had to fend for themselves.

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