*World *PERS Finland x Estonia

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These two were adorable... Russia almost dispirited it, but seeing the happy smile on Estonia's face made him give up.

"Estonia into Nordic?" "No." "Okay."

Finland respected the smaller country often placing a hand on her head as he sat down or just pecking her while bent to her hight. He was protective of the small beaste and growled anytime anyone went close to her that threatened her, these would normally include larger countries like, America, Norway(They had a....difficult relationship as siblings), China, and sometimes even Canada.

Estonia however was much more simplistic, she was sweet and loving about the taller in the relationship and genuinely tried to learn english to her best, due to her broken english but her love for Finland, she tries hard and continues to ask if she can become a Nordic.

This is one of those times.

"Can Estonia into Nordic?" "No." "Okay!" Estonia was cuddled into Finland watching him play a game on his phone, it was one of those battle sims, Finland growled when the door opened slowly stopping when seeing a familiar flag...
"Fin, we need you out there..." Denmark twisted his hands together nervously as shouting could be somewhat heard. Estonia quickly hopped out of Finlands lap and tried to go to the problem but her scarf was snatched back by Finland. "Stay." "Okay," then the two Nordics walked out greeted by a scene that baffled Finland.

Norway had lost control and beat a few countries to the ground, leaving them busted, bruised, and even close to death. She snapped at anyone trying to get close to her and then glared at Finland. Or rather, behind him.

Estonia didn't listen at times like this so she got help, help from another side of countryhumans that is... as a country walked out from the shadows and grabbed Norway covering her eyes and pulling her into them. "Estonia, I said stay." "Norway need help!" She snapped making the taller's surprise show for a second. He looked back to see the confused faces of all the other countries then the black robed figure holding onto his 'sister'.

Norway wasn't struggling or trying to kill the person so it was working... but Estonia needed to know to listen... so Finland picked up the little girl and showed her the beaten and broken bodies of the countries. One of them being Sweden... The way he was torn made the white and blue country sick, but Estonia just hid her face. She didn't want to see, she couldn't.

"Go...please...not here..." She moused to Finland, and he obeyed walking to a more sensitive friendly place. His bedroom. Finland had has some... thoughts but now wasn't the time, as he lay Estonia down and lay beside her. She rolled to face him and the two stared at each other. "Estonia into Nordic." She says with a growl trying to look intimidating but only turning cute and making Finland scoff. "No." "Damnit." "Language." The two stared at each other for a bit until they kissed. A loving tender kiss- okay turn off the camera! Family friendly! AAAAAAAA!
*Your Narrator has covered the camera.

"So yeah they love each other"

"You leaving yet?"

"Hell naw, I'm watching this with popcorn! LUSTY GET IN HERE!"

The end. For now....?

Country humans ships.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt