The end?

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My world is like a bubble out of glass
Every second it could burst
It could burst because of these feelings
These words that are burned into my head

You said you would be there for me
There if I need someone to talk
But now you will be gone,
saying we should move on,
Going our own way

Everyone says:
You should leave this person behind if you love them, be happy for them.
But what if it hurts me even more.
It's not possible to leave someone behind when they get even more important
in your life.

Maybe I just like the vision in my head
but maybe it's really hurting me
just thinking of the time I will forget you.

"In the end, everything will be ok. If it's not ok, it's not yet the end."
We will see- we will see.

{Not just a dream}
{Just reality}

DreamsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt