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(J) Derek I need to have a word with you

(D) what Jake?

(J) so I see your crushing on my girl why is that?

(D) what are you talking about jake?

(J) your feelings for my girlfriend Sarah!

(D) I don't have feelings for sarah

(J) yeah right your always giving her lovey looks and never leaving her alone you always have your hands on her why does that not prove you have feelings for her!

(D) because I don't I'm not in love with sarah I have a relationship with someone

(M) *walks by and stands by locker*

(J) are you jest joking around? If your in a relationship with a women than why are you hitting on my girl?

(D) I'm not hitting on sarah I have a relationship with someone it's not a girl

(J) then who is it derek?

(D) I'm dating Marshall I'm gay he's my boyfriend obviously gay people can do what ever around girls because they aren't going to date them

(J) your what? With Marshall?

(M) *looks confused at Derek*

(D) *walks over and puts arm around Marshall* I told you I'm gay this is my boyfriend Marshall

*starts pretending*

(M) *waves* hi nice to meet you jake

(J) why didn't you tell me you were gay derek?

(D) obviously I'm not as open about it as my boyfriend is we haven't really shared our relationship to the world

(M) we have been keeping it a secret until he's ready to come out to the world since it's understandable many people feel nervous about coming out especially to his parents they don't know yet and he doesn't know how to tell them he's gay

(J) I had no idea Derek I'm sorry I assumed so much about you and my girlfriend maybe as an apology from me we could all go out on a double date

(D) sure that would be great

(J) well see you around *walks away*

(M) *punches derek in chest* idiot!

(D) I'm sorry about all this Marshall

(M) so you decided the only way to get out of your drama was to pretend to be in a gay relationship with me when you know I'm the only openly gay friend you have

(D) yes it was all sudden and pretending to be gay shows boys can flirt around girls without hooking up with them so I did that because it was the only way out of it

(M) ok then tell me this, what are you gonna do at the double date your friend just set up for us? your not gay you've never kissed a guy or been romantic with them, so tell me how are you gonna get through a double date with them two and us pretending to be gay?

(D) damn it I have no idea your gonna have to teach me

(M) well if you want this to work you have to pretend a coming out to your parents because they will spill the truth that you only love women and you have only dated them I'm open to my parents one hundred percent but if they hear I'm dating a straight guy who loves only women obviously they are gonna have questions towards me

(D) my parents are gonna freak out but can you come with me when I do it I atleast need some support to get through my crazy big family

(M) fine I'll go but will have to change all of your social things and mine as well on relationship wise and photos we have to post alot about us being in a relationship even though it's all pretend

(D) yeah that's true

(M) also one rule we can't flirt or date any other women or men because then they take it as cheating and the secret of us is discovered then your back at where you started with fights with jake on his girlfriend and you

(D) ok I promise I won't break this rule

(M) hand me your phone

(D) ok *hands phone*

(M) *types in number* you can text me and call for any help on this whole pretend stuff but this weekend I will be spending the night at your place so we can come out to your family

(D) this soon?

(M) yep this soon now heres your phone *hands phone* text me if you need any help I gotta get to class see ya later *walks away*

(D) bye *texts Marshall's phone* this is my number

(M) got it

Being Just Friends?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ