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(D) then what is it?

(M) I don't think I can tell you

(D) marshall I'm your pretend boyfriend i think we're at the point we can tell each other anything

(M) your not gay so you wouldn't understand

(D) yes i would

(M) how if your not gay? You wouldn't know my feelings

(D) marshall I am gay I'm being serious I'm gay

(M) since when?

(D) since our first kiss it made me feel different than when I kiss women after all my years of dating girls I felt different when it was with you it made me change because Marshall I'm really gay

(M) I didn't know all that happened

(D) because I didn't confess it we have been playing pretend so I didn't think I could confess and come out for real that I'm gay

(M) well you could confess anything to me

(D) so can you now tell me what's the thing I wouldn't have understand?

(M) that I don't wanna be pretend dating anymore

(D) are you breaking up with me?

(M) no I don't wanna be pretend anymore because I want us to be real instead of pretend

(D) you have feelings for me?

(M) yeah I'm confessing I'm gay with feelings for the guy I'm pretend dating

(D) your serious about this?

(M) *walks up to Derek and kisses him* totally

(D) I believe you now *holds Marshall tight*

(M) good *kisses derek more* because I can never stop these feelings I want you

(D) will you go out with me as my serious real life boyfriend?

(M) yes I will

(D) *places hand behind Marshall's neck and kisses him* I love you

(M) I love you to Derek

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