having him over

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(D) mom dad can I ask you a question?

(R) yes son

(C) what is it?

(D) could i have someone from school stay a few night here

(R) boy or girl?

(D) boy it's a guy

(R) yeah it's fine with me even if hopefully your sister's don't go crushing on him

(D) thanks and hopefully not *walks to bedroom*

(A) hey bubu what you doing?

(D) cleaning my room for my friend to come over tomorrow for a sleepover

(A) who's the friend this time?

(D) my friend Marshall he's going to be staying over until monday mom and dad already said yes

(A) yay a boy gets to come over

(D) yeah well this boy is out of your league and is older than you and in a relationship

(A) dang tell me about him

(D) his name is Marshall he is gay and has a boyfriend he's also sixteen

(A) seems interesting

*next day*

(D) mom dad were home

(C) hello nice to meet you I'm clair Derek's mom

(M) nice to meet you I'm Marshall

(R) were glad to have you here I'm rick Derek's dad

(M) I'm happy to be here

(A) bubu is this the boy you told me was coming?

(D) yeah this is marshall, marshall this is my sister amber

(M) nice to meet you amber

(A) you to

(C) well make yourself at home your welcome any time

(D) were going to go upstairs to my room

(C) ok will call you down for dinner

(M) *walks upstairs with Derek* your telling them at dinner it's the only time family is grouped together

(D) this is gonna be nuts but I know it has to be done

(M) *walks in bed room* nice room

(D) thanks *lays on bed*

(M) ok so now we start the dating practices

(D) what practice will we have to do?

(M) you know hug, cuddle, hold hands and kiss

(D) we have to kiss?

(M) to keep them from thinking it's fake will have to make it believable by kissing

(D) I've never kissed a guy before so it's more strange

(M) well I've never had a boyfriend or my first kiss so yeah I know the feeling

(D) you've never had your first kiss?

(M) yeah growing up I've never dated anyone this is my first relationship even though it's pretend

(D) well I'll teach you how to kiss it's easy *leans close*

(M) are you sure?

(D) you said we have to practice to make it believable so yes *places arm behind Marshall's neck*

(M) *closes eyes*

(D) *Leans closer and kisses Marshall*

(M) that's what a kiss feels like?

(D) yeah

(M) *places hand behind Derek's neck* keep going

(D) *kisses Marshall more*

*knocking on door*

(M) *stands up and moves away from derek*

(D) yes who is it?

(C) it's mom, dinners ready come down and eat

(M) will be down in a minute

(C) alright *walks downstairs*

(D) you alright?

(M) yeah she scared me that's all

(D) you did good with the kissing and I'll get used to it that I'll have to kiss you whenever were around people

(M) yeah well now it's time for you to come out to everyone

(D) yeah this is the nervous part

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