showing friends

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(S) hey Marshall

(M) hey sarah what's up?

(S) I was wondering are you and derek really a couple?

(M) yeah why do you ask?

(S) I was wondering since I though he was trying to get out if drama with my boyfriend so he said the dating thing

(M) well he wanted out of the drama but Derek has never told anyone he was gay he recently came out to his family because he was nervous on what they would think of him

(S) so derek really is gay?

(M) yeah he is

(D) *walks over* hey guys

(S) Derek so your gay?

(D) yep

(S) and Marshall is your boyfriend

(D) yeah he is

(S) prove it

(D) *kisses Marshall* there point proved were boyfriends

(M) yeah

(D) how did you know about me and him?

(S) jake told me because he over reacted on the situation

(M) as well as our relationship is announced on all of our social medias

(D) true

(E) hey marshall we need you for a second run over to the big oak tree

(M) coming *runs to tree* what is it emily?

(E) our volleyball is stuck at the top of the tree could you get it?

(M) yeah *climbs tree*

(D) babe what are you doing?

(E) who's babe?

(S) his boyfriend Marshall

(M) I'm getting their volleyball it's stuck up here

(D) be careful

(M) I will *close to top*

(V) isn't Marshall scared of heights?

(D) he's what?

(V) Marshall has always been scared of heights so I guess he got over his fear

(M) got the ball *grabs ball*

(E) throw it down will get it

(M) ok *drops ball down*

(D) Marshall climb down

(M) *looks down* I can't

(D) why?

(M) I forgot I'm scared of heights

(D) I'll come get you *climbs up tree* stay calm

(M) it's super high

(D) *sits by Marshall* don't worry will get down together *holds hand* start climbing down one branch at a time

(M) *starts climbing down* it's kinda easy *foot slips* never mind Derek I'm scared

(D) *climbs down low to marshall* hang on tight

(S) marshall be careful

(J) what's going on babe?

(S) Marshall is stuck his boyfriend is going to save him

(J) they really are a great pairing I see

(D) *wraps arm around Marshall's waist* I've got you only a few more steps and will make it down

(M) *climbs down more* it's working

(D) *stands on grass* here grab onto me I'll help you down to the ground it's a small jump

(M) *jumps*

(D) *holds Marshall in arms* whoah

(M) *falls on ground* we did it we made it down *holds Derek tightly*

(D) yeah we did

(S) *runs over* you guys alright?

(D) yeah we're ok

(J) I'm surprised you claimed all the way up the tree to get him

(D) he's my boyfriend his safety matters to me

(S) you guys are so cute together

(M) thanks Sarah

(D) *gets up* let's head to class guys *offers to help Marshall up*

(M) *grabs Derek's hand*

(D) *pulls Marshall up* let's go

(M) ok

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