Chapter 11

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Skylar's POV

We followed the girl into another part of the warehouse that had lights everywhere. I soon realized that there were also more people. One by one, the strangers stared at us as we passed. "Come on, keep up." The girl said. "Jorge wants to meet you." I looked forward at the back of the girl's head.

"Who's Jorge?" Thomas questioned.

"You'll see. No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've just got him curious......And me too." I quickly realized that the strangers started to surround us as we continued to walk. They were walking very closely behind us.

"Anyone else getting a bad feeling about this place?" I heard Newt ask in a low voice as he walked by me on my left, Fry on my right. I kept glancing behind us at some of the strangers. They were smirking at us, still closing in on us which made it to where I was rubbing against Newt as we walked. I kept my eyes focused up ahead, trying to look confident. No way did I want these people to think I was scared.

"Let's just hear him out and see what he has to say." Thomas said to us. We were led up a staircase to a smaller room. A man sat at a table facing the wall.

"Jorge, they're here." The girl said to the man as she sat herself on an old couch to the right. The man seemed to be trying to listen to radio waves. He muttered something under his breath and shut the machine off. He stood up and turned to face us. He was quite older. He had white and gray hairs growing amongst his dark curly ones.

"Do you ever get the feeling the whole world is against you?" He asked us. Thomas just looked over at Minho and then back at the man who was obviously Jorge. None of us answered him. "Three questions: Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?" We all just stood there in silence. "Don't all answer at once." Jorge said sarcastically as he poured himself a drink.

"We're headed for the mountains." Thomas finally answered. "Looking for the Right Arm." Strangers all around started to laugh.

"You're looking for ghosts you mean?" Jorge asked before he took a drink from his glass. "Question number two: Where did you come from?" He walked closer to us.

"That's our business." Minho answered. Jorge shrugged his shoulders and a couple of guys ran up and grabbed Thomas, pushing his upper body forward, while a whole bunch of others guys grabbed us so we couldn't help Thomas. The girl from before quickly grabbed a device of some sort and held it over the back of Thomas' neck. The device looked as if it was scanning his neck. The girl was finished pretty quickly and the guys let go of Thomas and the rest of us. The girl looked at the device and then up at Jorge.

"You were right." She said. She handed Jorge the device and he put on his glasses to look at the device himself.

"Right about what-what's she talking about?" Thomas asked. Jorge let out a little chuckle as he took his glasses off.

"I'm sorry hermano." Jorge said to Thomas. "Looks like you're tagged. You came from WCKD. Which means.........You're very....valuable. The guys around us started to close in on us once again. One guy went to grab for Thomas. I grabbed the guys hand, pulled him forward, kneed him in the stomach and pushed him into the guy next to him. They both fell to the ground. I saw another guy grab for his gun out of the corner of my eye. I pushed off the ground and kicked him in the face as I spun through the air, knocking him out. I turned to my group as another guy on the other side of the group quickly pulled out his gun and pointed it at my head.

"WAIT!" Jorge yelled. I didn't take my eyes off the guy who had his gun pointed at my head. "Skylar?" I whipped my head around and looked at Jorge. He showed a confused expression on his face. He looked to the rest of the group, scanning each of them thoroughly. "Where's Chris?" He asked as he turned his gaze back at me. My eyes widened but I didn't answer. We all stood there for a moment. "Take the group out....but she stays." He gestured to me. "I want to ask you some questions....And then we'll decide what we're gonna do with all of you." I looked to Thomas. He slowly nodded his head in assurance. I relaxed my posture and the group was led out of the room. I watched as they left, Newt being the last. He took one last look at me before he disappeared with the rest of the group.

Book 1: Scorch of the Mind (Newt x OC)Where stories live. Discover now