Getting to know her

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S.V. Pov.:

"Suspiciously handsome~" I say making her giggle a bit.  She blushed and looked down. If only she knew the real me she wouldn't be so friendly. But I wasn't gonna tell her too much so I kept topics of myself to a minimum. She looked over at the door as did I but nothing was there and then I watched as she started to walk away and go to the door. I just watched as she opened the door and walked out closing it behind herself. Then I snapped out of my trance and flew after her. She was at the edge of the tunnel when I called out to her, "Roxin wait!" She stopped and turned around looking puzzled and then ran up to me. "What is it? Are you hurt or something?" She questioned. I shook my head and said no. "Then what is it?" She asked again looking concerned. I asked her for a pen and paper put she told me that she had neither. I sighed as I checked my pockets for some. After a while of my searching she told me she had to go. Before I could stop her she teleported away. And just like that she was gone again.

I sighed once more as I flew to Boxmore. And like every night went down to the basement stripped down into my underwear and laid down on my rough mattress. I heard footsteps coming down and looked over at the stairs and saw Boxman standing at the bottom of them. He was scanning me and blushing. This made me angry I asked him what he wanted. He started to stutter but said nothing really. This made me furious I sprung up jumping harshly on the bed and yelled at him to get out. He ran up the stairs and I ran up and slammed the door like I did all the time. But this time when I slammed the door it broke off of it's hinges. I growled in frustration. And went back down to my bed and laid down only to shoot back up in pain. I stood over the bed and looked down at the mattress to see a lot of springs standing up. I flipped the mattress off of the bed base getting cut more in the process. 

Now I had no bed to sleep in! Grrrrrr! Can things get any worse!?!? Just then a pipe started leaking then another then another. The sound of the dripping water pissed me off to the fullest. I took my cover and pillow and laid on the cold concrete floor. I shivered as I threw my cover me and laid my head on the pillow. But the coldness of the floor was too much. I got up and went to the boiler room. At least it was kind of warm there. But as my luck would have it the cold air blared from the huge air vents in the room. I gave up and went to the basement and wrapped up like a burrito in corner shivering in the cold as I forced myself to sleep. 

Next Morning

I wake up and go the bathroom attached to the basement. I take off my last piece of remaining clothing and turn on the shower. Turning the nob to warm. Then it got in. Cold! I quickly jumped out. Damn who used all the hot water! I was so damn pissed that I just put on some clean clothes and flew out to go shoot fire balls at all of the building and people around me. As soon as I came to view someone yelled my name and people began to run and scatter and scream. I smirked as this was just how I liked it. I prepared a fire ball and looked over to see where I should aim first. Gar's Bodega, Boxmore, the rest of the plaza, Roxin...WAIT ROXIN! I saw Roxin walking down a sidewalk minding her own business. I called out to her. She didn't answer. Maybe she just didn't hear me. I yelled her name still nothing. She turned a corner and that's when I spotted the ear plugs in her ears. No wonder she couldn't hear me. 

I continued to watch her and saw her going into the woods. As a child and most of my life I remembered going into those woods. I knew them like the back of my hand. As I saw her I remembered how she said she was new around her. And I realized she could loose her way in there. So I flew up to her and walked beside her. She looked over at me, smiled and took out her ear plugs. "Hey what are you doing here?" She asked. "I noticed you walking into these here woods all alone...I then remembered how you told me that you weren't from around here." I told her. She smirked and said, "So you thought you'd be a hero and save me in case I got lost." I smirked back at her. "Well yeah, I wouldn't let you get lost even though I care about no one." I told her. "Yeah, well if you don't care about anyone why are you trying to keep me from getting lost? You wouldn't be trying to protect someone if you didn't care about them." She said in response.  

I looked at her as she looked at me waiting for an answer. "So uh...tell me some things about yourself." I said. "I love art, I'm very laid back, and I love and I mean love anime." She told me. Anime...she loved anime! Wow I really found someone interest! I began to tell her how I liked anime too. And we began to talk about it more until the sun went down. I followed her up to a cliff where I watched as she sat on the edge. She looked out into the sky. She was so calm, so focused, so beautiful. Snap out of it! No don't care about her! She's just like everyone else. Careless, confused, and afraid. Oh course she had to be afraid of me. She must be putting on an act. I know she is she has to be. No one can be so easy, so comfortable, so calm around me. She had to have seen all the stuff that I've done and is just trying to play it cool so I could spare her. Spare her from all the pain I'm causing! I was angry and flew off. I looked back once and saw her confused gaze at me. I gave her the finger and continued off...

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