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Roxin Pov.:

I watched as Shadowy flew off into the distance. Why did he do all that? What happened? What's wrong with him? I sighed and stood up and followed him from a distance. I watched as he went farther and farther up a hill. Sitting at the top was an bench. He sat on it and watched as people ran and screamed. There were flames upon a lot of things. But he was so calm with his devilish smirk. He laughed and tapped his foot. What was wrong with him? I decided to go over to him. He didn't seem to notice so I sat down beside him. after a few seconds he looked over at me his eyes filled with anger, hatred, evil. He growled at me. "What the hell are you doing here!" He yelled. Before I could answer he lifted me up and began to slam me into a nearby tree.

"Stop!" I shouted. He replied with his deep laughter. "Stop!? You want me to stop?!?" He asked before laughing again. I managed to get out of his grip and throw him down. He sprung up and tackled me to the ground. Leaning into my ear and telling that he was not to be messed with. "What did I ever do to you?" I asked him in desperation. "Nothing yet...but you will. You just like all the other people here are nothing. And none of you will ever be anything! I yes I Shadowy Venomous will be more than you or anyone else in the world when I'm finished with my plans!" He shouted at me. I was taken back I didn't know what to say so, but I did have a question. So I asked him, "Do you hate me?" His face went from mad to calm. He smiled and then replied with, "No darling you are so much more than what this world can handle." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist as we looked into each others' eyes. "Really?" I asked him as I leaned in. He leans in closer, his eyes fixed upon mine. We leaned in until our lips we nearly touching. "Well, actually..." He started as he moved some hair out of my face. "I hate you! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" He pushed me down. "No ones' gonna take advantage of me!" 

What?!?! Why is he saying this? I felt something my heart shattered. "If you think you could sweet talk me into sparing you then you have another thing coming!" He yelled. I tried to reason with him, "But Shadowy I onl-" He cut me off, lifting me up by my collar. "I said no!" He shouted in my face as a bit of spit blew in my face. Then he dropped me to the ground only to fly away into the distance. Well I guess this was it. I walked home and rested on my couch for a while before unpacking my things.

Night Time

S.V. Pov.: 

I was on my way to the glorb tree when I thought of something. What if Roxin was there? But then again I did chew her out and pretty much tell her to get out of my life so I was very much satisfied with myself. Ya know what...I'm not going to the glorb tree I'll stay here and destroy a little before bed. Flames on flames I threw. Burning stuff just how I liked doing. No how I loved doing. Like before people were running and screaming and actually trying to put out the flames. I need to treat myself after this for sure. I watched as pieces of a building started collapsing around itself. And looking down at it I saw none other than Roxin. She was just standing there. Her face was emotionless she only stood there and watched. Why wasn't she running like the rest of the people? Was she not afraid. Just then I saw her head turn to look at something. I looked over to the direction of her stair and saw a black kitten. It was looking up at the building as I huge piece of it began to fall down in the area of the kitten. Roxin must have noticed this too because I watched as she ran and swooped up the kitten who seemed to be to afraid to move. She then ran away quickly as the piece fell and exploded. She saved that kitten's life.

I observed her for a moment as she stood watching the flames get put out. Everyone around her left to go their own separate ways. But she stayed and walked across the street to a nearby park and sat on one of the benches placing the kitten beside her. She stroked it. I hid in some bushes close by. I wasn't sure why but I couldn't stop watching. Upon a closer look I could see the cat was a bit thin. She started to speak so I started to listen. "Hey kitty, where are your owners?" She said with her normal sweet voice. I watched as the kitten shook its head. "Oh  well in that case I must take you home with me I don't even care that you are a stray." She said as she picked it up and held it close to her chest. As a mother does when their baby sleeps on the chest after birth. The kitten tilted it's head. She responded with, "It's ok, you're safe now consider me your new mommy." She then stood up with the kitten in her arms close to her chest and walked over to shiny lavender jeep. She took out her keys and unlocked it placing the kitten in the passenger seat. She then closed the door and got into the drivers' seat and calmly drove off.

How sweet of her to do that. If she wasn't there that kitten would probably be no more in the hands of me. Well it was time to go home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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