the contest

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After what felt like an eternity for Tiuri and a thousand questions the band members decided that Tiuri could join. But ofcourse he would have to prove himself. Mostly because they needed him really bad for the contest. The repetition was over and Tiuri went  back to his house just like the other members.

The next few weeks existed solely out of repetitions and more repetitions. Tiuri had even begun to question of all of this was a good idea but he kept going. He didnt immediately want to admit it be he had grown fond of his bandmates. They were really progressing as a band but also as friends. The weeks passed and the contest came closer. They did their research and found out about one of their contestants: the red riders. Their manager was pretty famous for dirty business but he was good at his job.

The bands had to perform in front of judges, one of them being Lavinia. She was well known for her beautiful songs and magical voice.

Finally the day had come and the danger knights were nervously waiting for their turn to perform. Jussipo held Foldo's hand tightly. Their name got called and they entered the stage. The moment the lights went on everything became blurry. They got the crowd including the judges hyped and the atmosphere was amazing. When their song ended everyone applauded. Now they had to wait for the results.

After waiting for about an hour or so all the bands got called on stage. The judges called for silence and suddenly the air froze. The whole band was tense waiting for the judgement. Finally Lavinia spoke "And the winner is... THE DANGER KNIGHTS" The band was shocked but soon released what was said. They jumped and hugged eachother while tears of happiness fell from their eyes. Jussipo and Foldo kissed whole the crowd cheered.

They went on to become the biggest band in the world and they lived happily ever after.


Thank you for reading this crap.

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