Quick Update

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Some people have reached out to me the last few days.

Yes, I do live in Seattle and i am only a few minutes away from the riots. I have lost both my jobs again after just getting them back due to the destruction of Downtown Seattle. While I am hopeful that things will not remain in this condition, I am sure these protests will last much longer. It has gotten to the point that people claiming to be "protesters" who are really just robbers and looters have started attacking small businesses here. I am unfortunately one of the few who never got a stimulus check even though I qualify for it and my unemployment has been having issues. I am in a desperate spot right now and have decided to reach out.

I have been debating on making a tip jar for readers to donate anything they are able. Whether it is a dollar or less, those contributions help more than you realize. I am supporting myself and my boyfriend's family, so five other people rely on me. As many of you know, I moved to Seattle from Michigan without the aid of any of my own family members and have been independent for the last two years.

I have been debating this a lot recently since I feel asking my readers for any type of financial help is arrogant and presumptuous. I am sure many others are having a hard time here in the United States as well. However I am at a point where I cannot guarantee I will still have the home I rent by the end of next month.

So, if you, my dear readers, feel that this idea is an appropriate one, I would like to ask for your support. Whether it is a one time thing, whether it is even a dollar or less, i am humbly asking for your support in this time. Due to losing my jobs, Wattpad will now be considered my full-time employment. I can promise you longer chapters and quicker updates, possibly more than one or two a week on more than one of my stories. If you would be comfortable supporting me in this time, I would greatly appreciate it.

If you are for this idea, please let me know in the comments or in my direct messages. I will then give you my email linked to PAYPAL AND ZELLE l so that you may send whatever you deem safe, comfortable and appropriate.

I love all of you readers and I hope you all are staying safe during this time, COVID19 is still very real here, and with these riots, I can only imagine so many more innocent people may contract it so if you are protesting please remember to wear a mask and to stay safe while out.

Thank you all so much


Little Lamb (AOMG Simon Dominic)Where stories live. Discover now