Chapter 1: He's Staring at you

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**1 year Earlier**

"Are you ready?" Mackenzie asked, I nodded. I placed the empty bowl in the sink before I grabbed my bag and my iphone 10xr, She smiled slightly as we walked out of the house to her black Mercedes Benz. Mackenzie Samuel, my friend, her father is a very successful businessman so he's often out of the country on some business trip, she normally stays at Blake's and I house since she hates being by herself. Blake's older than the both of us so he's at culinary school training to be a chef while we're still in highschool, Mackenzie's sister Ashley studies at Edwardian University in the course or law. I already set a gold to graduate from Helton University, to be a fashion designer, Mackenzie hasn't quite made up her mind as yet which is ok.

I just wanted to grow up to prove to my parents in hell that I can be more than some billionaire's wife, I wanted to achieve something of my own, to have my own clothing line and to have a nice house to share it with someone who I actually loved. After I ran away from home, I came across Blake, I begged him for a ride and we started talking, his parent died left a massive amount of cash and nice house so he offered for me to stay, I applied for a school that was the nearest to my new home and here I am, I met Mackenzie on my first day. My father killed my mother before he turned around and killed himself, I'm sure he's in hell raping her.

"Never mind I'll find someone like youuuuuuuu!" My crazy friend sang along to the song playing on the radio, I giggled at her nonsense "hey blake just text me! He's meeting up with us at that new Italian restaurant on Brooks street!" She yelled over the music, I nodded. "What time?" I yelled back, "a little after school like 5:30, he has a surprise" she smiled at me, "Ouu, i want to see this!" I yelled back she nodded in agreement before penetrating on the road.


She parked into one of the empty parking lots before we both grabbed our stuff slamming the door behind us.

We walked side by side down the school hall as we were near to our lockers, "My dad is coming back tonight" Mackenzie pouted, "oh no! I was really liking the company" I sighed as I entered my combination code, "Hey! I can ask him if you could stay over?" She suggested, I nodding in response.

**bell rings**

The bell rings and we both rushed off to class, she had algebra while I had history. I pushed the door open meeting half the class empty same old I grabbed out my chair before seating in it as the rest of the students ran into the class shoving and kicking everyone out of their way, the teacher looked at them and shook her head before she started to write the topic onto the board.

Middle author's pov: So I kind of forgot everything I've learned over this Corona pandemic(Quarantine) so I won't talk about what the teacher is teaching lol!

"Ok class, so over the weekend I managed to mark your test papers...and let's just say half of you failed" she sighed, the whole class groaned out in frustration, the teacher rolled her eyes as she walked down every row handing out test papers. You could see it in their eyes that they failed, Eww why are you looking in their eyes? "Well done Ms. Garner!" My teacher gave me a proud smile as she handed me my test papers.



Somebody give me a clap for my hard work and dedication!

"You guys should take a few pages out of Ms. Garner's book" my teacher gave everyone a keen look as they glared daggers at me, the bell rang and everyone rushed out leaving the teacher speechless "the bell dosen't dismiss you I do!" She yelled at the students who were probably laughing their butts off.

I giggled taking my bag and my test paper shoving it down into it.


I'm at the cafeteria with a few friends. Wanna join?:)


No thanks I'm fine:)


Ok :( see you and your fat ass after school;)


Is not!


Sure it isn't. Not the sarcasm

I rolled my eyes knowing she wasn't lying, my mom was a very curvy lady, her breast that were perfect and her 'fat' butt hand down to me, that's even the main reason why my dad wanted her, her looks. My mother was mixed with indian and black, while my father was a french man, with his long golden locks, I got his long hair but my mothers hair color, isn't that strange?

I sighed deeply realizing I'll be spending my lunch lonely, I shrugged heading for the football field.


After the dismissal bell rang everyone ran out, including me, I was soo excited to see blake I rushed pass Mackenzie making out with Ryan Crowell....Wait what!? Mackenzie! Making out with one of the jocks!? Such a shock, not I rolled my eyes as I saw her walking out hand in hand with the man himself, her cheeks were red as a tomato as he had a smirk on his face. Douche. "Hey mac!" I greeted as she made her way up to me.

"Hey..bye Ry!" She waved to him as he winked at her before walking off to his dumb friends who highest grades are D-. "Sooo wanna talk about that?" I asked, "yeah but can we after? I wanna see blakey!" She frowned, I nodded knowing that if I push her she's just going to get grumpy. 


We pushed open the door to the restaurant, after school we went back home to change into something better since we were going to a restaurant, I didn't do my makeup and decided to go natural, my dress was very simple and casual since it's not like I was going to a date. "Blakey!!" I yelled as I saw him typing away on his mobile, he looked up before he stood up to give me a hug.

"I see you both have just gotten more beatiful since I've left" he looked at both of us, we blushed looking down cowardly as he chuckled taking our seats out. That's when we saw a pretty blonde, she looked very average but pretty nonetheless. "Hi" I said shyly as she smiled at both Mackenzie and I, "so where is your surprise?" Makenzie asked a little rudely. He cleared his throat pretending not to hear her comment, "guys meat Sophia my girlfriend, Sophia meet my two friends, Mackenzie and Amelia" he introduced us to his girlfriend.

"Its a pleasure to meet you both, I've heard so much about you guys!" She held her hand out for us to shook it, which we both did kindly. "Hi, nice to meet you" I smiled.

I laughed at Sophia's story of when she was younger and use to prank her dad. Sophia is so friendly and kind, she's very sweet and seems like she gets along with everyone. The bell of the restaurant distracted me and as I looked around I was caught with heartwarming brown eyes. They were so mesmerizing, as if they could read your souls, looking deep inside you. "Am! Melia!" I shook out of my trans to turn around meeting Mackenzie smirking at me wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes.

"He's staring at you" she cooed.

"What no he i-" I turned around and my smile fell. It was him.


New character alert!

So darn quick eh!

What do you guys think of sophia?

Thanks for reading byeee

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