Ep 5 Find Meaning Lingo

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Lingo- Find Meaning

Faris 18BE01040


Consists of symbols for consonants and vowels AKA syllabic alphabets
Each consonants has inherent vowels which can be changed to another vowel or muted by diacritics or modifications
Vowels can be written with separate letters when they occur at the beginning of a word of their own
When 2 or more consonants occur together, special conjunct symbols are often use which add the essential parts of first letter or letters in the sequence to the final letter
Example: Bengali, Burmese (Myanmar), Malayalam, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan


Study of relationship between morphology and phonology
Involves an investigation of the phonological variations within morpheme, usually making different grammatical functions e.g. vowel changes in “sleep& slept”, “bind& bound”, “vain& vanity”, “knife& knives”, “loaf& loaves”
Morphology (study of the internal construction of words), phonology (study of sound patterns that occur within language
In malay, (Penukaran ayat)
Factors such as: loss of phonemes, addition of phoneme, consonant change, assimilation, dissimilation, synthesis, change of syllabic vowel or diphthong, stress shift, gradation, suppletion


Set of connections for writing a language. Includes norms of spelling, hyphenation, capitalization, word breaks, emphasis, punctuation
Example: English orthography (American and British spelling)
In malay, (satu set konvensyen untuk tulis bahasa)


Smallest unit of grammar (morpheme)
Functions as the foundation language & syntax
Syntax ( arrangement of words& sentences to create meaning
Morpheme can apply to any situation
Can apply at prefix, base word, suffix
Types of morpheme (free& bound)
Grapheme (smallest unit of written language)
Example: Un (prefix) break (base word morpheme) able (suffix)

One morpheme (boy, girl, bird)
Two morpheme (boy-ish, girl-ish)
Three morpheme (boy-ish-ness, great-ful-ness)
Four morpheme (un-desire-able-ity, gentle-man-li-ness)


Speech distinguishing one word elements from another, as the element ‘p’ from ‘tap’, which separates the word from ‘tab’, ‘tag’, ‘tan’
Have more than one variant, called allophone (function as single sound)
The smallest unit in any language that can be differentiate from other sounds, such as the /s/ of sing and the /r/ ring.
Examples: Phonetics (scientific study of phonemes or speech sounds), Phonology (study of phonemes of a particular language
IPA (international phonetic alphabet)has 44 symbols, 24 consonants and 20 vowels, 44 sounds in English (Received Pronounciation)

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