Ep 10 Assignment Linguistic

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Young adults and social media are inseparable these days. Due to vast advancement of technology, people these days are developing high dependency to social media as medium of communication, expression, information as well as recognition. Discuss on the aspect of social media and young adults in relation to language use and its impact. The discussion can regulate on any topic, as long as it is related to social media, young adults and language. Length of the discussion should be between 1200 to 1500 words. The report should include the following points:

Define terms involved
Brief introduction on the issue discussed
Who are involved
Should be backed by literature findings (cite reference)
Issues (focus of discussion)
What is the issue involved in the discussion
Why it happens
Related discussion - who are involved, why it occurs, when it occurs
Should be backed by literature findings (cite reference)
Suggestion for solution
May come from your opinion
Should be backed by literature findings (cite reference)

The following are example of topics for discussion:
The need of social media for young adults
Young adults and interdependence to mobile phones
Pros and cons of social media to young adults
Use of language on social media among young adults
Effect of language use on social media to young adults

Format of assignment submission:
Font Arial, size 11, 1.5 spacing.
Number of words: 1500 words
Assignment should be submitted softcopy via email at julia@kuis.edu.my by or before February 7th, 2020 (Friday) 2p.m.
Attached is the scoring rubric for your reference.

I miss mdm Julia demm.

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