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Previously on Mysterious roomate ...

?? - You are legally meant to stay with me.
I turn around and saw a man around his early 20's.
Y/n - Who are you? I don't feel confortable with a stranger and where do you live?
He looks really familiar.But I am npt sure where I have seen him before tho.
?? - Well I am your uncle. I live in LA with a bunch of my friends.I am your mom's younger brother.I am 20 years old. My name is ...

End of recap ..

?? - My name is Thomas Petrou.
Y/N - Wait ?! Why can't stay with my brother?
(Th - is Thomas )
Th - You can't stay with your brother because he is not legally aloud to,since he is only 19.; Also your parents said to me before they died that I will have to take care of you guys.But since Kio is 19 he doesn't have to stay with me.
Kio - Where abouts of LA do you live?
Th - I am the creator of the hype house.
( If it is written like this that means your thoughts)
Oh NO!! If he is apart of the hype house and I live there.Then people will obiously notice me. This can't happen!
Y/N - NO I can't stay there! I can't!
Th - Why not?
Kio - Because she doesn't want to get famous.That is why my fans don't know I have a sister.
Th - Well if you don't feel confortable actually meeting the people. Then I can give you one of the biggest rooms that is on the ground floor. And you can stay in there,then i can give you the food into youre room.If you want to go out you can go out of the window.Then you can stay in the hype house one week then the Sway house the other week.Then do the same in the Sway LA.
Kio - That is a really good idea tbh
Y/N - As long as I am able to stay with my brother too.
Th - Then it is a plan.
Y/N - When do we leave ?
Th - Tomorrow morning.So we need to go to you house and pack.I will pick you up tomorrow at 7am,because the flight is at 10am.
This is all so sudden.Wait doesn't Avani live in LA.Maybe I can visit her again.Atleast I am getting closer to my brother
Skip to when you go home
I ran upstairs and automatically texted Avani
🤡 Avani 🤡
🌻 Y/N 🌻: Hey bbg
🤡 Avani 🤡:Hey bb
🌻 Y/N 🌻:I have some good news
🤡 Avani 🤡:What is it?
🤡 Avani 🤡: Really!!!Maybe we can meet up when you arrive
🌻 Y/N 🌻: Sure.Where in LA do you live so we can meet up at your place?
🤡 Avani 🤡: I live with my other friends in L.A.But they are all famous.And ik that you don't wanna get famous so where you gonna move?
🌻 Y/N 🌻: My uncle said he lives with his friends too.I think he called it .....

Mysterious roomate / P.m story Where stories live. Discover now