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Th+Kio - That is what I thought.
End of recap..

When we arrived at the house.The boys helped me get into my room.Then got through the front door.

Kio's p.v.o

Before we opened the front door I stoped Thomas.

Kio - What if someone roams aroubd the house and opens y/n's door?
Th- Uhhh.I think I might just tell them don't go into that room.Then you do the same in the sway house.Well once you find a room for her.
Kio - Ok.

Once we walked into the house I see my girlfriend Olivia.
(Olivia - O)

O - Hey babe.How was your flight here?
Kio- It was good
O- How are you holding up since your parents died?

Once Olivia said that Avani walked through the door.Once she saw me she stomed to me.Grabbed me by the ear.Walked to Thomas done the exact same thing to him

Th+Kio- AOOOO.That kinda hurts

(Avani - Av)
Av - Where tf did you put my wifey? Tell me rn *whisper yells*
Th - Amelie is at yer house.
Av - no she is my bebe.Where is my wifey.
Kio- Who tf is your wifey?
Av - Your sister you dumbshit.
Th - I can't tell you.Also how do you know her?
Av - I am her bestfriend ever since we were 3.Now take me to her now,and why can you not tell me?
Th - Because she doesn't want anyone else to know her.Espeacially famous creators.
Kio - Avani is her only friend i think.After Avani left she got bullied by her old "friends".
Av - WHAT?!?! opps sorry

After Avani screamed.Everyone ran towards us.

Ev - R you guys ok?

Av+th+kio - Yep

(Anthony - A
Chase - C
Charli - Ch
Addison - Add
Dixie - D)

A - So why did Avani scream What?
Kio+Av - uhhhhh because
Kio - I told her my fish died?
O - Kio why are you lying?
Kio- I am not lying
O - So why did Avani grab you and Thomas's ear and drag you here?
Av - Because I need their phones.
Ch - For what exactly?
Av - To text bryant?
Add - So you beed to drag them by their ears to this room just to text bryant?
Th+Av+Kio - yeah?
Ev - Ok?
When they left avani.quickly turned to us.
Av - Tell me where tf she is?
Kio - First of jezz you didn't have to be aggresive.Second off what makes you think we know where she is?
Av - Because Kio you are her brother,and when me and y/n was texting.She said she is gonna be staying with her uncle.Who is the creator of a house of famous creators.Which she THINKS is called the hypper house.That sounds like hype house.Am I correct?
Th - Yes
Av - And who is the creator of the hype house?
Kio - Thomas?
Av - correct.That means you are her uncles.Also you and Kio seemed closer than usual.So where is Y/N? 

Tbh Avani kinda scared me there.
Kio - Ok fine.But you can't tell anyone.Not even Ameile or Anthoney.When you come to visit her.Make sure no one sees you.
Av - Ok.As long as I see her
Thomas and I showed her to her room.We made sure to make sure that their are no one here.When we opened her door we were kinda confused.

Y/N's P.v.o》

I was on my phone going through ticktock.Until I hear someone at the door.So I was panicking.So I hid under my bed.I was honestly scared.

?? - Where is my wifey?
??? - Where tf did she go?
?  - The window it is closed.
Those voices sounded familar.Then I relized it was Kio and Thomas.With someone else.The person called me wifey...Only one person calls me wifey.
Y/N - Bebe?
Then Avani looked under the bed with a onfused look.
Av - why tf r u under the bed?
Y/N - wow a hello or a I miss you would be nice.
By now I am out from under the bed.
Av - Ofc I miss you wifey.
She embraced me into a tight hug.
Y/n - Bebe ca-n't bre-ath
Av - opps hehehe
Y/n  - I miss you so much.
Before Avani could say something.I got a text from Payton.


Payton - Hey are you ok?
Payton - You kinda left me on read
Payton - did I do something
                 End of text's.

Th - Umm.....Y/N you are going to your new school tommorrow.Don't worry tho.Avani is gonna be there.
Y/n - WHAT?!?!?No
Th - y/n ypu have too.
Av - plus you got me.
Y/n ok ig.
Kio and Thomas left my room quietly.Avani and I ended up talking and filling eachother with everything going on with our lives.Avani stayed in my room for the night.She told everyone she went home.She also turned off her location.

Word count:785
Payton will soon come into the story by the next chaper.
What do you think of the story so far?

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