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Previously on mysterious roommate ...
🌻 Y/N 🌻 I-think  he called it ...
End of recap ...
🌻 Y/N 🌻 I think he. Called it the hyper house or something
(A/N : it starts and ends with ** It means thoughts )
*It is something like that right? *
🤡 Avani 🤡 hyper house?
🌻 Y/N 🌻 Ik odd right
🤡 Avani 🤡 Very
🌻 Y/N 🌻 Anyway I have got to go.I need to pack  love  you bby
🤡 Avani 🤡 Bye bebe  love you. Too wifey
                                                                     * end of texts *
I started to pack. I am a little exited to move.Mostly because I don't really have that many friends here in Ireland.Also I am excited to see Avani again I miss her so much

*when you are finished packing*
I ran downstairs to call my brother upstairs to help me bring down my suitcases.
Y/N - Hey Kio
Kio - Hey Y/N. R u ready for the flight tomorrow?
Y/N - Yea. Can you help me bring my suitcases downstairs plz?
Kio - sure
We then went upstairs and helped me bring them downstairs.Right now it is 10:30 at night time.
Y/N - Thanks Kio.I am kinda getting tired I am gonna go to bed.You should too for the flight tomorrow
Kio - Ok good night lil sis
Y/N - goodnight
I ran upstairs to my room, and changed into confortable clothes

You should too for the flight tomorrow Kio - Ok good night lil sis Y/N - goodnight I ran upstairs to my room, and changed into confortable clothes       ⬇️⬇️

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I went into the bathroom and put my hair into a messy bun.I woshed my face and toothbrushed.
I than ran into my room and jumped on my bed,got confortable and fell asleep
In the morning
I woke up by the sound of my brother screaming and jumping on me.
Y/N -  what time is it?
Kio - 3am and our flight is at 5am
Y/N - ok fine.Get out so I can change
Kio - ok bye
Once he was gone I went to my bathroom and did my business.Then got ready.The flight is probably gonna be a long flight because we are going to L.A from Ireland so I wore a confortable outfit

A from Ireland so I wore a confortable outfit           ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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I plugged in my portable charger.Just in case my phone dies on the plane.My phone is also chargging.While they are charging i smell pancakes so I ran downstairs
Y/N - Did you cook Pancakes Kio?
Kio - Yea.I saved some for you
Y/N  - thanks
Kio- np
But you have to hurry up cause we are gonna leave in a few mins.
Y/N - Ok. Did uncle Thomas arrive yet?
Kio - No not yet
Y/N - Do you even have his number?
Kio - No but I text him on instagram DM's
Y/N - He has instagram?
Kio - Yea obviously.He owns the HYPE HOUSE.One of the most famous house filled with famous creators.
Kio - We can ask him when he picks us up
Y/N - Did he say when he will pick us up?
Kio - He said at 3:45 am
Y/N - What time is it rn?
Kio - It is 3:40 am.So you should probably get ur stuff and come down
Y/N  - Ok
I ran upstairs.I got my portable charger,charger,my phome and my travel bag.I ran downstairs.When I went donstairs I saw uncle Thomas there and taking our suitcases and bringing them to the car.
Y/N - Hey Uncle Thomas
Th - Hey Y/N.Also you can call me Thomas.I feel old when you call me uncle 😂
Y/N - Oh ok
Th - Don't you have a phone?
Y/N - Yea why?
Th - Just so I can put my phone number in it.So if you need help or whenever you are switching you can call me
Y/N - ok here
You hand him your phone. He put's his phone number in it.He saved it as 'Thomas 🚫" and he named you as " Y/n 🌹"
Y/N - Why did you put a cancled but next to your name?
Th - Do you have socail media?
Y/N - Yea but all of my accounts are private. And I rarely am on them. Why?
Th - Because aparently I wws cancelled?
Y/N - what? How is that possible?
Th - It is like when people want to be gone off of the internet
Y/N - Oh ok ig?

Word count: 731
A/N : sorry I haven't been updating
It is cause I got my electronics taken off me.But I will be updating more.

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