File A57 - 2b // 3

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A week had passed and Markus had received a message from an anonymous source. They wanted these two prostitutes who were in love to be killed before they escaped from the establishment they were at.

The two were planning to escape and they had been taking thousands of dollars from the company for weeks so they could support themselves. The buyer offered 10,000 for their heads to have his signature Vietnam bullets stuck in them.

The buyer also told him about their other crimes. They had killed many men who sought out a fun night out. Of course Markus was going to do a little research but his deadline was quite soon. He then remembered his new accomplice who would be able to find out quicker than he ever would.

Markus walked out to his car and tuned his radio to preset 6, station A57 - 2b, "Uh- hello?" Markus waited a few moments, hearing nothing he began to turn his car off when the station crackled to life. 

"Markus?" his voice crackled through the line before clearing up slightly.

"Good, I wasn't sure you were going to respond. Anyways I need you help, I just got a job-"

"Ya ya, you need backgrounds checks on the two prostitutes, Traci Blake and Traci Allumni. Well I can tell you that together they have had sex with over sixty married men, twenty seven others who are not married, and killed sixteen confirmed bodies. Of course the police have not connected them to the murders. It's quite a terrible mistake on their behalf"

Markus was dumbfounded on how quickly he had not alone found out what his task was, but also finding their whole backgrounds that not even the police had found, "How did you find all that out?"

"Details, details. It doesn't matter. Any-who, your deadline is tomorrow night so you should probably get to planning. If you put on your headset you can go to your office and I could help you out"

Markus hated to admit it but he really liked having this hacker around. He was super useful and made his job a lot easier. Plus a little bit of company wouldn't hurt to have a little company around every once in a while, even if he was only in his head.

"Ya sure. Also, why is the station A57 - 2b?" Markus pulled on his headset as he walked back into the house and into his study. He sat down on his swivel chair as he awaited a response.

"Well if you have to know, that's what the cops know us as. You are Subject A57, I am subject 2b. The file containing this information is classified to almost everyone so no one really knows us by that and the police have no way of knowing that I know the names and they don't think I could even hack into it. Therefore its a good station, since its not even a real station"

"You sure do talk a lot" Markus answered idly as he started planning what to do. 2b helped him so the process went a lot quicker and smoother than usual. 

The days went by quick as the second night had arrived and Markus stood in the shadows, meeting with the anonymous source. He slid a brief case toward Markus who opened it and viewed the 10,000 dollars. He nodded and pulled out his gun, signalling that he would do it and walked into the deep shadows.

With 2b in his ear guiding him towards the establishment the two were at. He waited till the owner walked out, leaving the two Traci's to lock up. They stole the remaining money that was in the safe.

They stood in front of the case as Markus crept through the shadows. They were speaking quietly on where they were going to go.

"I'm sorry ladies, but you two wont be going anywhere" they both screamed as they shot around to look at him.

"Who are you? Wait, you-your The Man in the Black Trench Coat!"

"Look ladies, it's not personal" He gave them a sly smile as he cocked his gun, "It's just business" 

Markus then shot the first Traci point blank in the head. The other screamed and held her limp body. She looked up with rage filled eyes. She lept up at him only to fall to the ground with a loud thump as he shot her point blank in the head.

Alarms sounded in a nearby store and his com buzzed to life, "Time to head out Markus. Follow the hallways behind the register. There is a roof access on the far wall, take it and duck behind the radiator on the opposite side of the street"

Markus obliged and ran down the corridor and up to the roof, hiding from any line of sight that may be on the street, "Now run strait to the edge and jump down the next building, it's a close enough jump that you should be able to make it, just land rolling shoulder to opposite hip and you'll be fine"

Markus was about to object to jumping off the building when the sirens began and he ran quickly to the edge of the building. He jumped and rolled onto the next building. He was surprised that it actually worked, he hadn't done anything like this in years, not after he hurt his wrist during a dangerous stunt he pulled a few years back.

"Hey ya royal prat, sorry to disturb your inner most thoughts but you still need to get out of there"

"Hey watch it" Markus growled back but ended up stifling a laugh. No one had ever called him a royal prat, if anyone else had said it he would have killed them. But hearing it from 2b just made him laugh.

Markus followed his orders, running on top of buildings till he arrived at his car. He got in the passenger seat and the car drove away off in the opposite direction of his house.

"Hey dollop-head, you're going the wrong way" Markus could almost hear 2b rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

"You don't want any suspicion towards you. The police already have a lead on your name being Markus. Lucky for you though there are hundreds of Markus's in Detroit alone"

They ended up taking the longer way back and half an hour later they arrived back at his mansion. Markus walked out of the car saying goodbye as he shut off his com. He could smell the stench of blood on his clothes so he threw them into the wash and took a shower.

Once he got out he headed off to bed and like every other night, he dreamt of the mystery hacker, promising himself he would see him in real life if it was the last thing he'd do.

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