'Hope meet Josie, Josie meet hope'

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'Fuck me... this school is not my kind of scene... at all!' My  eyes drifted along the hallways of the Salvatore school as i tried to bury her emotions of how i got here in the first place. 

"You must be Hope" Says an unfamiliar voice "I'm Alaric Saltzman, the headmaster at the Salvatore school and these are my daughters" He introduces the blonde haired girl as Lizzie... She was absolutely stunning, however at this moment my eyes gazed upon both saltzman twins The blonde was absolutely stunning while Josie (Wearing a red flannel and black ripped jeans) "ah yes, how could i forget... this is my other daughter Josie" Alaric mentioned with a smile on his face. 

I was filled with emotions at this point.. 'Fuck.... No Hope stay focused' I thought as I looked the twins up and down.

"Lizzie, Josie Would you mind taking Hope on the school tour for me... i need to get things ready for when your mother comes home" "Sure dad whatever" Mocked Lizzie, The twins were absolutely breathtaking. 

I was filled with excitement and dread of starting this new school after her experiences with my last one, I had to made sure that secret didn't get out again. 

Around 5 minutes into the tour however Lizzie had vanished and that's when i first heard Josie speak "Oh she's gone? Probably off with her new boyfriend MG again... They cant go 2 minutes without each other i swear" The brunette giggled and I bowed my head that Lizzie wasn't up for grabs.

 "Hey just out of curiosity, Is smoking allowed in this  place or nah..." I cautiously asked. "Unfortunately my father banned smoking a few years back when MG tried to sell a cigarette to an elementary kid called Pedro... didn't go down well" Josie Mentioned and then added "But to be fair there's a spot, quite deep into the woods where Emmas smoke-detector spell is fazed so if you need, I'll show you just come to my dorm whenever...." The taller Brunette told Me 

"So... what's your deal with being here so late in the year? Did your parents move or something" Josie added with wonder. "No... things at my last school didn't work out to great so.. i was lets say transferred to The Salvatore school to finish my exams" Hope says with caution not to mention she was expelled rather than transferred. "So what did you do so bad to get kicked out of mystic falls?. Yeah whenever a new student appears i look through my dad's files to see if we're friend-compatible or not however I didn't find a reason..sorry not to sound nosey or anything" Josie asked to deepen the conversation "Long story short... i did a bad thing... well i punched a girl for reasons you may just have to get  to know me better to know" i  smirked as she spoke in a cheeky tone.

"Hey there's not a lot left of the tour and its only first period, i may just hit mystic falls Cafe, up for it new kid?" Josie asks with intrigue. "You know what. Yeah sure i have nothing else to do" I exclaim as Josie starts walking to the cafe. 

As soon as i left the grounds of the Salvatore school i reached into my jacket and found my last pack of Marlboro cigarettes and offered Josie one however she politely refused exclaiming "Its not personal, it just i know a lot of people suffered at the hands of cancer sticks" I laughed... I lit it up and my stresses from the day melted away. 

Then as we drew closer my hand brushed up against hers and my body tensed up and i could sense hers did too, however we brushed it off using small talk. Now, I'm not good at dealing with emotions... however i could sense myself feeling things I've only felt once before which in my experience is not good news.

Hosie or Hizzie?

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