Lets do it

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Hope POV

I heard the sound of my alarm and opened my eyes, no shock i saw my beautiful blonde bombshell tucked into my side, we must've changed positions while we slept.

I quickly switched my alarm carefully not to awake my sleeping girlfriend, She looked so peaceful while she slept, it made me laugh thinking of how she'd kill me if she saw me watching her sleep.

Its kind of crazy seen as about a month ago I was dating her sister, I remember sneaking out to see Lizzie and feeling so guilty, something drew me to her... something unexplainable, now i know its to do with soulmates it makes sense.

We have around 1 hour till going to school but i still want to get my queen breakfast, so i quickly get up without waking her up and throw on one of her hoodies she left while heading to the cafeteria.

I once againb spot the golden trio of Josie, Penelope and Jade... Jade shoots a problematic glare but i try ignore her seen as i got in trouble last time.

"Hey Josie,  Just want to say thanks again for yesterday, if you didn't find us we dont know what could've happened" I say, i needed to thank her seen as she hated her sister.

"Uh, yeah... No problem Hope, I'm just glad you two are okay" The brunette replies, "Thanks Josie" I was about to walk away before i remembered something. "Uhm Actually, Lizzie and I are planning on having a movie night, want to join us? " I ask, I'm sure Lizzie wont mind right?

"Uhh, yeahh actually i'd like that" Josie replied, "Alright, sweet... We've only got room for 2 tho so you'll have to pick between one of your minions if thats okay" I joke, I see Jade's body tense as i mention this. "Ah, okay what time?" Josie asks. "Lets say 7.30 shall we?" I reply

"Yeah thats good for us... see you then, then" I then grabbed some food as left, i still feel so bad, i can tell Josie's feelings for me are still there...

"Alright then, see you soon baby" My face turns red as i realise i just called Josie 'Baby' "Uh, sorry that just... uh- slipped out.. Bye" I stutter, i saw Josie chuckle and smile... I'm dying of embarrasment at this point and practically sprint out back to my room, Then my mind flickers to Lizzie... my emotions turn to happiness as i burst into the room with ice cream.

"I was worried, thought you were just in my dream after last night" The blonde joked while winking making me blush a little.

"I- i got good news and some news you may not exactly like" I speak.

"Go on Mikaelson" Lizzie's face turns into confusion. "Good news... I got ice cream" I say while throwing a tub of her favourite on the bed. "Bad news... I may or may not have invited your sister and a minion to our movie nigh-" I speak before getting cut off. "YOU WHAT" The blonde shouts with confusion. "Uh, Yeah... so thats happening tonight baby" I try sweet talk my way out of it.

"You're lucky you're cute and that i have ice cream otherwise i wouldn't speak to you" Lizzie smirks. "So you think i'm cute?" I joke back. "Yes now get back in bed... its lonely over here" The blonde jokes while pulling puppy dog eyes.

I jump on the bed as i'm greeted with kisses and hugs. "Here" Lizzie gives me a spoon of ice cream as i check the alarm. "Uh funny thing, we got 20 minutes till gym" I say. "Oh well, I know where i'd rather be... let me finish this ice cream and we can make our way down if you want... if i can borrow one of your spare PE kits?" My girlfriend asks.

"Of course you can, could never say no to your stupid face" I joke. "And... a hoodie of course... Your oversized hoodies fit me perfectly its kind of funny" The taller girl asks again.

"Fine... anything else, my shirt? my shoes? my underwear?" I jokingly add. "I would like your underwear, but straight off your body" The girl laughs as my face turns red. "Stoppp you're going to get me in the mood" I say.

"Damn Mikaelson, who knew you loved me that much?" She replies.

I then stand up and get Lizzie's stuff ready while allowing her to finish her ice cream in the process. "Here" i throw my hoodie and shorts at her signalling her to get changed.

"Okay okay Mikaelson, who knew you wanted to go to school?" The blonde added "Seen as i kind of want to get on your mothers good side, it would be a good idea if i showed up" I replied.

We were both ready, only 10 minutes late of course, We stride down the halls once again hand in hand, occasionally we push each other into certain kids to tease one another... we felt as if we were the only ones at that moment.

We make it to the PE hall. "Girls, you're late... get changed and you'll be running laps for being late" The teacher shouted. "Alright" I spoke with a hint of sarcasm. Still hand in hand Lizzie and I rush to the changing rooms almost dying from laughter.

I push her against a locker, leaving a chaste kiss on her lips. "I'm glad i've been put in your classes as now i can see how cute you look in your cute PE kit" I seductively say as i hear a clearing of a throat coming from the doorway, it was Penelope. "Leave that for when you're on your own... just don't do it tonight as i'll be there" Penelope spoke... She'll be there? as in Josie chose Penelope? Cool i didn't like Jade.

"Alright, now leave Satan Incarnate before you send my soul to hell" Lizzie spoke with a hint of anger. "Yeah, let us get changed" I spoke as she left. "Now lets walk before coach kills us. "Okay" Lizzie speaks while leaving a small kiss on my lips.

The day went pretty slowly seen as i was just excited for tonight. I can't wait to share a bed with my girl... with 2 others of course.

How fun.

Hosie and Hizzie 'Deepest Desires'Where stories live. Discover now