A choice, part two.

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Hope POV

"Listen, I know what you might be thinking... 'Hope what the fuck are you doing', but let me spell it out for you Saltzman, I love you. This past month has made me truly realise how much i do, I spent every single waking moment missing you Lizzie, i really can't see myself going through that again... I know for a damn fact that you, Lizzie Saltzman... is who i want to spend my days with, whether we live eternally or a lifetime... you giving me this honour will be my greatest achievement... So" She clears her throat. "Will you, Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman, will you marry me?" I say, almost shaking.

"H-h-hope... I don't know what to say." She replies. "Who knew, Lizzie Saltzman.. speechless." I joke, trying to hide how nervous i was.

"Now, Listen... treat this as more of a promise.. th-that no matter what, i'll be by your side... every step of the way, We-we could wait till after school.. what am i kidding, we could wait till we're 60 if thats your decisio-" I was cut off just as Lizzie ran into my arms "Hope... you had me at 'Will you marry me'" She answered, giving me a kiss to symbolise this.

"Wai-wait really? You mean it.. like you genuinly want to??" I ask in disbelief. "I mean... marrying an extremely beautiful, intelligent, powerful girl like yourself Mikaelson... That would be half bad" Lizzie smiled as she joked. God i love her smile.

"You-You sure.. li-like... Su-sure" I ask once again, wanting to confirm. Without hesitation Lizzie drags me up to our new bedroom, "Now, how about we make it official.. yeah?" The blonde pushes me onto my back. "I like the sound of that"i replied. I craved every inch of her body, being away from her for the past month was hard.. mentally and physically.

My Fiancee ripped off my top and jeans in one, making sure to leave no time to waste, it brought me back to the question i used to ask myself, Who would top... how times have changed.

Her hand quickly slipped underneath my underwear making me jump almost instantly... 

In a matter of minutes i was already at my breaking point. "Do it baby" and so i did, and all the stress of the day melted away.

I was just about to flip Lizzie over to go for round 2 until the phone rang. "Heyy, Lizzie... got your text, i-i'm so happy for you!... I have good news... Penelope and i have made it official... I think i really like her Lizzie!" A soft voice spoke, my mind instantly knew who it was... Josie. 

"Hey Josie, Lizzie is upstairs... if you need he-" I was cut off. "No.. wait actually while you're here, what would be the perfect way to ask someone to move in with me, like i know you and Lizzie have been with eachother for a while now, how do you two make it work?" Josie's voice uttered.

"Uh.. I don't even know how to start, well depends on the person, with your sister it was quite easy as she just kind of moved in by herself-" Im cut off by a "HEY YOU LIKED ME THERE, DONT LIE" Shouted from the bedroom. "Anway, I'd take it one step at a time... Oh and Jo, I'm glad you've found someone" I say with meaning.

"I didn't think it would work until she finally got me to go on a date with her, She was totally different, I'm so happy Hope! I'm so excited for you and Lizzie, I didn't see it at first but you two are made for eachother" Josie speaks once more, "Hey Jose Are you coming back to bed, I'm waiting" A voice who i linked up to Penelope spoke on the other end, By a quick 'shut up' by Josie.

"Well, I better go... I'm happy for you Mikaelson.. I really am."    " You too Jo, You too" I spoke before i hung up the phone. 

"What did she want?" Lizzie asked. "Wanted to congratulate us, and to ask how to ask Pen to move in with her" I Replied. "I'm still not overly-keen on Penelope after you know... leaking our sex tape and all..." Lizzie spoke her disapproval.

"Hey, me neither.. but look where it lead us... besides we need to be happy for Josie as she supported us.. got it?" 

"Yea-Yeah.. I suppose" My fiancee replied. "So... is it too soon to ask when i can plan the wedding?" She added. 

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