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"Hey Adora~" Catra whispers from the seat behind me. I do my best to ignore her but she will just keep dialing it up until I'm forced to pay attention to her. "Adora~" she says a little louder this time. I turn to her with a scowl on my face.
"What do you want?" I whisper to her.
"What's the answer to number three?" She asks with a smirk.
"No cheating!" The teacher says from behind his book. My friend Glimmer looks at me with sympathy.
"But she-" I try to explain.
"No cheating." The professor states blankly. I groan and Catra giggles from behind me.
"Oh Adora~" Catra plays again.
"What!" I stand up and turn to her. Everyone in the class faces me and I shudder as I hear the professor put his book on his desk.
"Adora are you going to need another trip to Mrs. Weaver?" He asks me. I grunt and sit back down to look at my test. "Everyone get back to work." He glares at everyone and they all comply. I mumble under my breath as the class goes by.

"You shouldn't let her push you around like that." Glimmer says to me while we walk out to the field for gym.
"I tried but the stupid professor-"
"Calm down Adora, she will get in trouble soon like she always does." Bow says while staring at SeaHawk run down the field. I roll my eyes, Bow is so sweet and he wants the dude who grows a fucking mustache in high school? I don't understand men. I see Catra waltz onto the field with her freind Scorpia. Scorpia is pretty nice and I would probably be friends with her if she didn't hang out with Catra.
"Well at least you can get some of your anger out with soccer." Glimmer says while tying her shoes. I sigh and wait for the coach to call teams.

I kick the ball between Kyles legs and quickly retrieve it on the other side. I see the goal when a certain tan girl with brown hair starts sprinting to intercept me. I pick up speed only to feel her cleats crash into my shin.
"Hey!" I grab her foot and pull her to the ground.
"What the hell?" She yells as she rolls over to stand back up.
"Why are you such a bitch!" I yell at her. I can hear Glimmer say 'oh no' to Bow from behind me.
"Excuse me? You grabbed MY foot!" Catra yells back with fury in her yellow and blue eyes.
"Woah girls! Take it to Mrs. Weavers office!" The coach yells at us.
"She started it!" I yell at the coach.
"Weavers office. Now." Her says to me. I groan and start walking towards the building as Catra tags along with her stupid grin.
"What are you smiling about?" I grumble to her.
"Your so easy to trigger." She laughs snarkily. I tighten my hands into fists and she smiles wider.

"Girls how many fights have you to been in this week?" Mrs. Weaver asks us.
"I don't know like, seven." I grumble.
"I don't see them as fights, more as friendly competition." Catra says leanings back in her chair and checking her nails.
"You're such a suck up!" I turn to Catra. Catra doesn't draw her attention away from her nails as she smirks.
"Adora, manners." Mrs. Weaver warns me. I groan and grab the sides of my chair.
"Girls, you both have your own dorms, maybe sharing one dorm and spending time together might resolve whatever 'this' is." Mrs. Weaver suggest. I sit up with my eyes widened.
"There is no way I am living with this bitch." I say.
"Adora language!" Mrs. Weaver warns me again.
"I'm totally down. I really think this could be a good bonding experience." Catra snickers.
"Alright, there is an open two bedroom dorm right now. I'll sign you girls up for a switch." Mrs. Weaver says.
"Don't I get any say in this!?!" I complain.
"This is for your own good Adora." Mrs. Weaver starts typing into her computer.
"Can't wait time spend time with you princess." Catra laughs. This is going to suck.

"And then she said we were moving into the same dorm!" I yell in the lunch room.
"What!?!" Now and Glimmer say simultaneously.
"I know! She says it's to help us bond!" I complain.
"That's so stupid." Glimmer says. I take out the rubber ball I like to fidget with out of my pocket. My old therapist gave it to me so I could focus my anger.

Bow is still distracted with SeaHawk.
"Ya know, nothing going to happen unless you go over and talk to him." I say.
"Hu-what?" Bow snaps out of his daze and turns to me and glimmer.
"Seriously, you weren't even listening to us and you haven't touched your tray. If it wasn't obvious that you like him it's obvious your distracted." Glimmer says rolling her eyes. Bow turns a couple shades of pink. I laugh and eat some of my pizza.
"So umm, when does the whole dorm mates thing start?" Bow asks me refocusing his attention.
"I don't know, tonight I guess." I say stabbing some broccoli rather violently with my fork.
"This isn't going to go well is it." Glimmer says concerned. Before I can answer our friend Mermista sits down like she isn't twenty minutes late to lunch and casually eats her pizza. We all look at her with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" She says with a mouth full of pizza.
"Where the hell where you?" I ask her jokingly. She rolls her eyes.
"I was helping Perfuma with her history work." She explains.
"So is Perfuma joining us then or...?" Glimmer jokes.
"Ugh just let me eat." Mermista groans. We all laugh, she tends to get cranky when she's hungry.

We are all having a fine and dandy time laughing until I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey Adora~" Catra says.
"What do you want?" I ask her without looking at her.
"Can't I just say hi to my new roommate?" She asks innocently.
"Catra can you just leave us alone?" Glimmer asks getting frustrated.
"Whatever princesses." Catra scoffs. I can tell she meant to come off as sassy but there was a little tone of hurt in her voice. Did she actually just come over to say hi?

I walk into the new dorm and place my bags down. This place is pretty nice. It has a little kitchenette and a small tv room with a couch. And two doors which I assume lead to me and Catra's room. I hear the door open behind me and see Catra walk in with her bags. She has a lot and I walk over to help her.
"I don't need help!" She hisses at me and drags them into the room on the right. I sigh and bring my stuff into the room on the left.

I feel bad about lunch, maybe Catra was just trying to say hi. I decide to walk over to Catras door and knock.
"Come in." She says from inside the room. I walk in and she's sitting at her desk in shorts and a bra working on some math sheet. I avert my eyes quickly to the paper or the floor. "What is it?" She asks me without drawing her eyes away from the paper.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry... if I hurt your feelings at lunch." I tell her.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Do you know what the answer to seven is?" She asks me.
"Ugh you're ridiculous." I groan.
"What? it's a hard question." She looks at me like she actually doesn't know what I'm talking about.
"I'm trying to apologize and you're just ignoring and to add to that your not even- ugh!" I say gesturing to her chest then looking away.
"Is there a problem?" She says with a slick tone. I can tell she got bothered when I mentioned her not wearing a shirt but honestly she doesn't have a reason to be mad, who walks around without a shirt?
"Can you please just put on a shirt." I ask her.
"Nope, I'm comfortable and this is my own room." She grunts, "look at me." She orders. I look at her yellow and blue eyes, trying not to shift my view.
"You're ridiculous, my EYES princess." She says sassily.
"Just put on a fricking shirt." I say getting up and leaving the room. I don't understand why she can't put on a shirt if she has guests.

I put on my favorite hoodie and decide to text Glimmer to meet me up at the coffee shop right near the campus.

"And then she just asked me what the answer to a math problem was like what I was saying wasn't even important. And she still wouldn't put on a fucking shirt!" I complain while me and Glimmer drink our coffees.
"Wait, I'm confused, why does she need to wear a shirt?" Glimmer asks me.
"Ju- ya know- cause!" I say flustered. Glimmer raises an eyebrow and I sigh.
"Well I agree that Catra needs to stop provoking you. Maybe you should try to control your anger more?" Glimmer suggests while putting her hand over mine.
"I know." I sigh.

I make some chicken in our little kitchenette when Catra walks out of her room stilling wearing her bra. I sigh.
"Want some chicken?" I ask to her. She seems to jump like she didn't know I was in here. I scoff and keep cutting the chicken strips.
"Oh yeah!" She says hoping up on the stools connected to the counter.
"They aren't going to be done for awhile, you might not want to wait here just yet." I tell her.
"I've got nothing better to do." She shrugs and I smile. The whole time Catras blue and yellow eyes trace every move as I cook. She seems very intrigued.  Maybe this whole roommates thing won't be as excruciating horrible as I thought it would be.

We sit on the couch watching TV and eating chicken when I hear a high pitched noise. I look over to Catra to see she just sneezed. I hear another little mew as she sneezes again. She realizes I'm staring at her.
"What?" She says defensively.
"Thank was the cutest sneeze ever." I deadpan. Catra becomes embarrassed and flustered.
"Shut up princess." She hisses at me. I giggle and I can tell she's bothered. This might be my chance to get under her skin for a change.
"Like really, it was so adorable. I'm sure if everyone sneezed like that, we would have world peace." I laugh. Catra grips the arm of the couch and focuses in on the TV. "Ya know I bet-" I'm interrupted by Catra taking her plate to her room. Suddenly the room I'm in feels extremely empty. "Oh come on I was just playing Catra." I call to her.

I get up and walk into her room.
"You didn't knock." She deadpans.
"Why did you leave?" I ask her.
"I remembered I had a science project." She says without making eye contact with me. I pull a chair over to her desk and she gets a little tense.
"Oh, here's where it went wrong." I say correcting some of her work. She starts to grip her chair arm again and I drop the pencil. "You okay?" I ask here. That only makes her grip stronger. I decide to sit back a little and she untenses. She silently starts to work again and every once in a while I will quietly whisper something is wrong and she will correct it like it was her own idea. I don't get what's up with this girl but I know she's not the bitchy sassy person I know during classes.

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