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"I don't want to get up." Catra complains while pulling the covers over us.
"I told you not to drink last night, we have school today and you're going to have a hangover for a good part of it." I tell her. She looks up and me with tired eyes. I had forgotten about the beauty of her blue and yellow eyes while we slept. I could stare into them for awhile without anyone bothering me. No- I can't think that way. Catra cuddles up so she's even more on top of me. I sigh.
"I'll make you food." I offer. Finally, she yawns, stretches, then rolls over so I can get up. I go to the kitchen and she follows closely behind.

I make French toast and Catra perches herself on her stool and watches like always. No matter what I'm cooking she always seems so intrigued.
"Why are you so focused?" I scoff. She doesn't meet my eyes yet she answers.
"I don't know, I find it fascinating." She says, "where I grew up, all they had were ration bars." I don't remember ever going to Catras house when we were little. I don't even remember parents coming to pick her up from preschool at the end of the day. She would sometimes come to my house but I was never allowed at hers.
"Where did you grow up?" I ask.
"Around." She answers.
"Around where?" I push, I know I shouldn't say be pushing. It's a one way ticket to Catra not saying another word. And as I predicted she just keeps quiet. I move over to the stool next to hers and she hurries her face in her arms. I get up from the stool and wrap my arms around her from behind.
"Why don't you talk about these things Catra." I say in a sigh.
"I'm hungry." She says. I sigh once more and go back to making the French toast. She eventually peaks out from her arms to watch me cook.

"Haha you suck!" Catra says while kicking a soccer ball out from under me during practice.
"We are going to be on the same team!" I tell her. She just sticks her tongue out and makes a face at me as she does all cool tricks with the ball. Some other kids who were passing around a dodgeball while waiting for gym to start accidentally drop it and it rolls to my feet. I grin and pick it up. Catra is distracted with her fancy trick and I punt it as hard as I can into her back. She falls over with a grunt.
"Oh you didn't." She says trying to hide the grin on her face. I giggle and run off as she chases me with the ball. Everton in the class started to join in grabbing dodge balls out from the bin. Soon everyone's tearing up the grass while throwing dodgeballs at each other's. Glimmer isn't having any of it though.
"Drop it! The coach is coming soon!" She yells across the field.
"Lighten up sparkles!" Catra yells to her. Glimmer looks at me expecting me to deal with Catra but I just laugh. She groans and sits on the bench. I see Catra running for me and I dart away. She catches up to me in no time, holy shit she's fast. She punts me with a dodgeball and her friend Scorpia gets her in the back.
"Hey, only I cant hit Catra with a dodgeball!" I laugh whole throwing my ball at Scorpia. Scorpia laughs and picks me up over her shoulder, throwing me into the grass as we laugh.
"Careful!" Bow yells at us. Now it's my turn to stick out my tongue and make a face at him. Scorpia picks me back up and throws me towards Catra. I fall on top of Catra and she pushes me onto the group. I hit my arm and it starts to hurt.
"Wait- agh, guys-" I try to tell them to stop.
"Dog pile!" Catra yells while tackling me. Scorpia joins her and soon their friend Kyle tries to get Scorpia. All of this pushes my arm, straining it more.
"Aghhh! get off!" I yell. Scorpia picks Kyle off me and Catra quickly hops off. Bow runs over and soon glimmer does too. My arm stings and feels like it out of place.
"Oh shit her shoulder." I here Lonnie call from a little ways away.
"Adora?!?" Catra says kneeling down next to me. I groan trying to roll over hit that only makes it worse.
"Holy fuck what happened to her shoulder?" Some kid says while running over.
"Everyone back up!" Bow yells. The yelling rises up and I can barley hear anyone over it. They are get into a big group and argue but Catra stays at my side.
"Hey, you alright?" She asks quietly.
"It hurts." I groan.
"What specifically hurts?" She asks.
"My shoulder, ugh it feels twisted." I complain.
"It's okay, we are going to get the nurse out here and everything will be fine. I'm right here." She puts a reassuring hand on my bad.
"Get away from her! You caused this!" I hear Glimmer yell. I can't see much besides grass and Catras knees as she knees next to me.
"Sparkles we need to get the nurse." Catra says seriously.
"Ugh, bow and Scorpia go get the nurse!" Glimmer yells. There is some shuffling that gets further away along with some talk. I groan again as Catra moves her hand up and down my back, it does soothe me a little. Catra is now laying down next to me so I can see her face.
"It's gonna be alright, okay? I got you." She says softly. I try to take deep breaths but the arguing isn't helping.
"Shut up! Your being to loud!" Catra yells at the crowd of people deciding what to do. They all freeze and quiet down. Catra lays back down and I can finally try and focus on keeping calm.
"The nurse is coming, I see her right now." Catra says looking down the field. She moves her hands up and down my back again and I squeeze my eyes shut trying only to focus on her soft movements. I feel the nurse lift me onto something fabric then the fabric moves up. I groan in pain and Catra grabs my hand.
"No, I need to take her to the ambulance on it's way." The nurse says.
"I've coming with, don't try to argue because it will make it that much harder for you to accomplish this." Catra demands. The nurse sighs and starts wheeling me away while Catra grips my hand tight.

"Okay miss Adora, your shoulder seems to have popped out of its socket, we are going to need to push it back in." A guy in the ambulance says to me.
"What!?!" Catra says nervously. The man glances at her but then looks back down at me.
"We are going to do it on the count of three, then you will be taken to the hospital and X-rayed to make sure nothing else is wrong." He explains. I bite my lip as two doctors take my arm and start counting. At three there is a popping sound and then the real pain. I yell and slam my fist down on the side of the table thing. Catra takes my hand concerned and stares at my shoulder.
"How do you feel?" The doctor asks me as the pain starts fading away.
"Better, it's still sore but better." I say taking a few deep breaths.
"Okay, we are almost at the hospital." He says walking to the front of the ambulance. Catra looks worried.
"Catra I feel a lot better okay?" I say. She looks down at me and then looks away quickly. That fact that she's so worried about me makes me smile.

I'm discharged from the hospital with a shoulder brace and Catra constantly asking if I feel okay.
"I'm fine." I say for the final time while ordering an Uber.
"Are you sure, do you need and ice pack, or Advil, or-" I shush her as she speaks.
"I need peace and quiet." I say while sitting down on a bench. Catra nods and joins me.

We get back into the dorm and I flip onto the couch exhausted. Catra sits next to me quietly. She hasn't said a word since the bench. I pat the spot next to me on the couch and she happily joins me.
"How are you feeling?" She asks.
"Better, just tired." I reply. She nods and nuzzles up against my good shoulder. I lay back on the couch and she move into my lap. Why did we ever stop being friends. We used to do everything together. I missed her so much and knowing that she's coming back is both great and bad, I don't want to lose her again. My friends don't like her but she's just confused and angry and acting out because of it. I rest my head on top of her and close my eyes.
(See in picture above)
"I'm sorry." I say quietly.
"For what?" She mumbles while half asleep.
"For leaving you." I say. She doesn't respond. I can't tell if she's asleep or just not in the mood to talk about it. Either way she doesn't move from my lap and I want to just stay like this for awhile.

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