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Recently I found a tape of me and Catra when we were little. It's us playing around my back yard pretending to save our imaginary world Etheria.
"For the honor of gray skull!" I yell in the video with my foam sword. Catra tackles me and we push each other around laughing.

"What are you doing?" Catra says walking in to my room. She walks over and sees the video. She groans and shuts my lap top.
"Hey, I was watching that." I say standing up.
"Little me is stupid." She says crossing her arms.
"Little you was cute." I argue. She rolls her eyes and now it's my turn to groan. "Why are you so not fun." I say while flopping onto my bed. Catra sits at the end of my bed with her knees brought up to her chest. I roll over to her. She seems off in a stare at the wall. I poke her arm but she doesn't respond. I do it over and over again until she's forced to give me attention.
"Ugh what!" She snaps her head towards me.
"Geez, little grumpy today aren't we." I say. She grunts and goes to get up but I grab her arm.
"Nu-uh, you aren't walking out again. What's wrong?" I say. She sits back down and glares at me.
"I'm fine." She says.
"Mmm no," I reply. She tries staring me down but I don't advert my eyes. She rolls her eyes and tries getting up again but this time I grab her by the waist and pull her back down again.
"Gah! A-Adora!" She yelps while digging her nails into my arm. I quickly release her as we both lay on our sides in my bed.
"You good?" I ask her. She curls up into a ball.
"Why can't you just leave it." She says into her knees. I lightly brush my hand over her arm to ask permission. She doesn't react so I move towards her and hug her from behind.
"So there is something..." I say. Slowly she unfolds and turns to me with a frustrated face.
"Im telling you to drop the subject." She warns. I just stare into her yellow and blue eyes. "You really want to know?" She sighs. I trace her face to see any sign for what is on her mind. Catra moves a little closer to where I can feel her breath on my face. Her eyes glance uneasily at my lips than back up to my eyes. Every second getting a little bit closer. I close my eyes and lean in.
"I can't!" She shrieks jumping out of the bed.
"Catra wait-" she darts out of the room, "-it's okay..."

"You okay Adora? You seem... off." Now asks me.
"My analysis is that she is sad." Entrapta says while jumping up and down in her chair. We are all studying together in the library. I see Bow elbow Entrapta's side. "Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that was I." She says sinking down into her chair.
"I just... I just have a lot on my mind." I say while making flash cards.
"Do you need to talk about it?" Bow asks me.
"No... I'm good." I say.
"Really? Because judging by your hesitation you seem like you wanna talk-" Bow elbows Entrapta again while glaring off into the distance and she shuts up. I let out a little laugh, Entrapta has always been fun to be around.

I walk into class and Catra is no where to be found. I sigh and sit down staring at the math board. She was trying to kiss me right? That's what was happening. The more I think about it the more confused I am. If she was and I leaned forward then why would she pull away. Is she afraid to be gay? No one in this entire school is homophobic, in fact a lot of the people in this school are gay. I can't help but drift off and think about kissing her.
"Adora!" The teacher says quite loudly.
"H-huh?" I say lifting my head up. Blush creeps across my face.
"Do you know where Catra is? You two are roommates correct?" He asks.
"Oh uh, no sir." I answer. He says and checks something off on his clipboard. Maybe she will show up gym next class.

I stare out into the field as I walk towards it trying to find Catra. I spot her talking to Scorpia.
"Catra!" I call out waving. Bow calls her name too and waves and Glimmer runs over to us from hanging out with Perfuma. Catra glances over at us and walks further away.
"Is she okay?" Bow asks. I want to tell him what happened but if Catra's not out yet then it's not my place.
"She's just... Catra." I say sighing. Glimmer reaches us with Perfuma and we all talk together before teams are chosen.

"Catra pass!" I yell to her as I run along side her towards the goal. She ignores me. "We are on the same team! Come on Catra!" I yell again. The whole team starts shouting at her to pass me. She tries to shoot for the goal but it is intercepted by Kyle.
"Alright class! That's it for today!" The couch yells. I run over to Catra out of breath.
"I told you to pass." I say in between breaths. Catra trots off away from me and to the water fountain. I walk towards her and grab her arm.
"Catra please, we can talk about it." I say. She tears her arm away from me and walks over to the benches. I walk over and sit next to her but the moment I'm there she gets up and walks to the locker room. Ugh I swear she is the most annoying person at this school. I go into the locker room and go to my locker to change, making sure to avoid looking at Catra. At I'm putting my school shirt on someone shoves me into the side of my locker.
"Ow what the hell!" I turn around to see Catra walking away from me and out of the room.
"No!" I grab her arm and yank her towards me. Everyone in the locker room groans and finishes changing so we can bicker. When the locker rooms empty and I let go of Catras arm and she backs away from me quickly.
"Don't grab me!" She snarls.
"Don't push me!" I push her back a bit. He hands clenched into fists as I walk towards her. She backs away until I've cornered her against the walls.
"Ugh why are you so frustrating!?!" I say while running my hands through my hair. She just glares at me expecting me to back off, but I've had enough. I sigh and try to think for a second. Cornering her and trapping her was probably the worst way to get her to talk. I back away and sit on the bench with my head in my hands.
"Just... just talk to me when your ready." I sigh. I hear Catra swiftly walk out of the room.

I walk into the dorm after a long day and Catra is sitting at one end of the couch with some hot chocolate, watching a random show I have never seen before. I sit at the other end of the couch but Catra doesn't look at me.
"You want food?" I ask her. She glances at me quickly then nods her head. I get up and scavenge through the fridge to find something. I decide to make spaghetti since it's really easy. I see Catra glances over like she wants to watch but the only way she will do that is if I make it seem like I'm the one who wants her.
"Come here, I like your company." I say blankly. Catra gets up rather quickly and hops onto her stool. We don't talk but I can tell a lot is one Catra's mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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