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I sit at the lunch table laughing with Perfuma when Catra nervously walks over.
"What do you want?" Glimmer says defensively. Catra rubs her arm and looks down. I move over and pat the bench for her to sit. She quickly sits down next to me and stares down. The table goes quiet.
"So Mermista, you heard SeaHawk was throwing another party right?" I break the silence.
"Uh yeah," Mermista says while staring at Catra, "are we just going to pretend this just didn't happen?" She says. Catra looks back up at her then nervously back down. I take her hand under the table and she squeezes mine tight.
"When's the party?" I ask her. She tilts her head at me with a pause then answers,
"Tonight, it starts at nine."
"Yo Catra!" Lonnie Yells from across the cafeteria.
"Come over Catra!" Kyle yells and Lonnie elbows him. Scorpia is sitting over there with them. Catra tries time ignore them but Lonnie walks over.
"Yo Catra what are you doing over here with these prissy princesses?" Lonnie asks.
"Leave us alone Lonnie." I tell her, standing up and facing her. She looks at Catra expecting her to tell me off but she just stares at the floor.
"Whatever." Lonnie waltzes off. I sit back down and the conversation eventually picks up back to normal. I keep my hand on Catra's.

"Well if you take the x and put it in the equation you'll find it equals thirty five." I explain while sitting at Catra's desk. She nods and corrects her work. My phone starts ringing from outside of the room and I am about to get up when Catra pushes a possessive hand on my thigh to keep me from getting up. She stays focused on her math.
"Catra I need to get up." I say hearing my phone continue buzzing. Her nails dig into my thigh and my stomach flutters. I bite my lip and move my chair closer to the desk to get a better look at her paper. Slowly she moves her hand back to her paper. This is my chance. I dart up and out of the room to check my phone giggling. Catra yelps and tackles me down right as I'm about to reach my phone. I laugh as she flips me over and straddles me.
"No!" She says pinning my hands down. My stomach flutters again but I'm having to much fun to care about that or the blush creeping it's way across my face.
"Come on, I need to pick up the phone." I snort laugh while the phone stop ringing. Catra curls on on my stomach, making it impossible for me to get up. "You're such a weirdo." I joke.
"You're such a weirdo." Catra mocks me. Finally I'm able to shove her to the side and make a dove for my phone. I tuck into a ball and look at my texts.

Bow: hey Adora, we are all going out to get dinner at the diner. Wanna come?

"Adora~ come on~." Catra says trying trailing her nails up my back as she walks by, sending shivers all down my body.
"No!" I giggle from inside my little cocoon. I hear Catra laugh, not one of her fake snarky laughs but a real laugh. It makes me smile.

Adora: can I bring Catra?

Bow: umm... sure

I turn of my phone and turn around to be met with a certain brown haired girl ready to pounce. She tackles me and we fool around for a little while before I tell her what's happening and we go to get dressed.

Everyone greets me when we get there and a few people say hi to Catra too. Catra looks a little less nervous than lunch but still pretty nervous. We both sit down around the booth and talk with everyone. Practically everyone is here, Mermista, Perfuma, glitter, bow, Entrapta, Netossa, and Spinnerella. We all order and joke about crazy party stories from forever ago.
"Anything insane ever happen to you at a party Catra?" Bow is the first one to let her into the conversation.
"Well my friend Kyle fell out of a window once at a party, well that's what Lonnie says happens. I'm pretty sure she pushed him." Catra says grabbing my hand. Everyone at the table laughs and I see Catra smile. I'm glad she's finally getting used to having nice people around.

We are all having a fun time when Lonnie walks up to the table.
"Seriously Catra what is up with you hanging out with these shit-heads?" She says.
"Why don't you mind your business." Bow stands up and faces Lonnie. Lonnie looks surprised and so does the rest of the table.
"What are you going to do about it crop top boy?" Lonnie pushes bow back. Glimmer stands up and so does the rest of the table besides me and Catra. Lonnie sees she's out numbered and grunts while walking away. Everyone sits back down.
"Thanks." Catra says while rubbing her shoulder. There is a mixtures of 'no problem' and 'totally Dude' exchanged and Catra smiles. The waitress delivers our food and every happy eats.

"Catra?" I call out into the party. I can't find her anywhere. I hear a snarky laugh that I would recognize anywhere from behind me. I turn to see Catra stumbling towards me, drink in hand. "Catra?" I say cautiously.
"Princess come over here~" she says. I walk over carefully. I'm a little tipsy myself but not too bad. She grabs me by my belt and pulls me towards her. I open my mouth to speak but she shushes me. She pulls my by the belt up the stairs and I stumble along behind her. She drags me into the bathroom and pushes me against the wall and I finally snap out of it enough to realize what she's doing.
"Catra no." I push her wandering hands away from me.
"Adora..." she complains.
"You're drunk." I say sternly. She grabs my waist and swiftly forces me against the wall.
"Please?" She begs.
"No." I say. She takes a moment before sighing and backing away.
"Thank you for listening Catra." I tell her while taking her hand.
"I still want to though..." she groans. I smile and kiss her on the cheek.
"Let's go back to the dorms." I say. She nods and we leave the bathroom.

By the time I drive back to the dorms Catra is asleep in the passengers seat. I go over to her side and put my arms around her. She wraps around me and I lift her up. I carry her into the dorms and into her room. I pull the blanket over her and as I'm about to leave she grabs my arm.
"I thought you were asleep." I say quietly.
"Stay." She says. Slowly I turn back to her. She moves over while still not letting go of my arm. Carefully I lay down, making sure to stay on my side of the bed, until I feel her arm wrap around my waist and her head rest on my chest. Slowly, I put my arms around her too until I am completely enveloped by her smell. I breath her in and relax. I know she's drunk but this feels real.

Cat Got Your Tongue? (Catradora high school)Where stories live. Discover now