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The day I found Shiloh's blog was the worst day of my life -- and I've had some bad ones. 

I thought that part of my life was over, that everything that happened to us last year was safely in the past -- and then, with one click, there was she was, right on my computer screen:

Shiloh fucking Tamblyn. I cracked open like a pomegranate and seeds spilled everywhere.

She's been gone for a few months now. She disappeared a little like Madelyn disappeared; one minute she was safe and sound, tucked into bed in the hospital where no one could hurt her, and the next...

Girls go missing so often in this town it's barely news anymore.

My name is Tilly Marlow. 

This story isn't about me, though I am in it. 

I'm going to present Shiloh's blog here, as closely to the original as this platform allows, but if you prefer to read the whole thing here's the link: 

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