"With all my heart"

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Harry and Tom are co rulers of the magical world. Life has been peaceful ever since Dumbledore and his forces were obliterated. Tom thinks their life is complete but Harry is wishing for something else. Harry gets it. This one is shorter because I busted up my leg skateboarding and am in a lot of pain. Lots of fluff.


     Life was peaceful for Lord Voldemort and Lord Hibiscus. They had successfully defeated Dumbledore three years prior. The wizarding world had settled quickly when the population realized they weren't going to be killed on sight. 

     Many changes were implemented. The first being removing children from muggle parents. This ensured no chance of being exposed to muggles. The parents would be obliviated and so would the child. The second major change is magical orphanages. The muggle born children would get placed into the orphanages where they would be treated fairly and, more often than not, get adopted by the time they start Hogwarts. The third and final major change is the way muggleborns are treated. They were now classified as first generation wizards rather than mudbloods. 

     These changes and many others helped to change the wizarding world to become more peaceful. Tom and Harry resided over everything making sure peace was kept and justice was served. 

     Tom, currently, resided at his desk, hidden behind mounds of paperwork. When the changes began to take place, the first thing to go was the voting behind the Minister. Tom had set himself permanently in the spot of Minister of Magic. The Minister was currently signing his name onto some document that required it. A loud knock drew his attention to the wooden door in front of him. Confusion quickly filled the features of the Dark Lord. 

     'What? I finished my last meeting an hour ago.' Tom thought in dismay. The knock came again, clearly not wishing to be dismissed. A sigh escaped the lips of Tom. 

     "Come in." Tom stated in his 'Minister Voice.' His jaw nearly dropped at the sight in front of him. Harry was wearing Tom's shirt, which hung loosely on his frame, and a pair of tight, leather pants. The younger of the two's emerald eyes where shinning with joy, and, in his hands, Harry held a small box with a neat pink bow on top. Seeing his husband standing there, Tom's face stretched into a wide smirk.

     "Hello, darling." Tom stated in a sultry tone looking Harry up and down. The younger lord blushed, even after years of hearing things like that come from Tom's lips. Harry felt his feet move towards Tom and soon he was wrapped into strong arms. The hug was warm and Tom seemed to smell like fresh parchment and peppermint. Feeling an uncomfortable edge poke his stomach, Harry remembered why he came to see his husband. Stepping back, Harry opened his mouth to address his partner.

     "Tom?" Harry inquired in a suddenly meek voice. 

     "Yes, love." Tom reached across to grab Harry's hands and grasp them firmly as he spoke. 

     "Promise you won't get angry at me for what I have to say?" Emerald eye's stared at their joined hands as lips mumbled out the question.

     "You know you can tell me anything, Sweetheart." Tom released one of his hands so that he could tilt his partners chin up. A chaste kiss was placed upon the younger's lips. Surprisingly the gesture didn't calm Harry, it just seemed to agitate him more. Now Tom began to worry. Once again, Harry felt himself be enveloped in a hug. Tom was holding him close, after just less than a minute of silence occurred, when he heard a mumble. 

     "What was that love, I couldn't hear you?" Tom breathed a sigh of relief hearing his lover finally letting him now what was occurring. That sigh of relief quickly became a sharp inhale when he heard what Harry said.

     "I'm pregnant."  Harry stated as he removed himself from Tom's grasp. Harry's finger's opened up the neatly wrapped box to pull out a shirt with the words 'You're going to be a daddy!' written on them. Tom was frozen in place with shock. The elder's breath began to pick up and rapidly became too short. Seeing Tom start to hyperventilate, Harry started to utter helpful words after placing the box and it's contents on Tom's desk. When Tom's breathing started to resemble something of normalcy, he spoke. 

     "You. Me. Baby." Tom uttered between breathes. 

     "Yes, Tom," Harry moved Tom's hands, which were clench by his side, to rest over his stomach which would soon swell. "You and I created a baby. We're gonna be parents." 

     "We're gonna be parents." Tom repeated, and it seemed with these words it finally sunk in. Harry, still standing in slight worry, was thrown into a hug. Instead of the previous reassuring hugs, this one was fully of joy. Tom was swinging his love around in circles as Harry giggled, amused at his husband's actions. When Harry was finally put on the ground, he decided to ask one final question. 

     "Do want this baby, Tom?" Harry asked with as much confidence as he could muster up, which wasn't much. Tom's face turned serious and a pit formed in Harry's stomach.

     "Of course I do. The real question is do you want a child?" Tom's face was still stern but Harry's face lit up into a smile. All of Harry's fears were unjust and he felt the lingering doubts evaporate. 

     "With all my heart." Harry replied, smile brighter than the sun. Tom's face cleared up and a rare smile took over.

     "Just imagine, a little green eyed baby running around." Tom's eyes had a dreamy look to them as he saw the mental image of what he had said. Harry let out another giggle of joy. Suddenly, Tom's features morphed into one of desire and lust. Harry's laughter stopped. 

     "Is it too soon to try for another?" Tom asked as he swiftly hoisted Harry over his shoulder and walked towards the nearest floo leaving the box behind.

     "Yes, but we can still try." Harry said as they were promptly transported to their manor for a night of pleasure and passion. 


Word Count: 1042

Published: June 3 2020

Tomarry OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang