"How do I passive aggressively say fuck you in flowers?"

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Flower shop AU! Harry owns a flower shop in the center of New York. Tom works in one of the offices near by. They meet and have a little fun. I also was at a scrimmage for 6 hours today so I didn't have much time to work on this. 


     Tom cursed silently to himself as he walked into the flower shop that was a block away from his office building. 'Lily Flowers' was a nice business and all, he just wasn't in the mood for it's bright atmosphere. When he opened the white door, a bell was set off announcing his arrival. 

     "Hello, welcome to Lily Flowers, how may I help you?" An angelic voice spoke. Tom couldn't see who spoke because of all of the hanging baskets, but he was sure they were beautiful. However, the beautiful voice didn't quell his anger. 

     "How do I passive aggressively say fuck you in flowers?" Tom stated in a vindictive voice. A small giggle that sounded like chimes came from his left. Wanting to see the man behind the voice, Tom walked around the large bush that blocked his view. 

     It was like the air was sucked out of his lungs by a vacuum. The man in front of him was the male version of Aphrodite. Lean muscles worked on trimming the rose bush as the man squatted making his perky rear stick out. His face was even more beautiful. Large, green doe eyes stared up at him. A small, pink tongue stuck out from between full lips as he concentrated. Tom felt his blood rush south. 

     "That I can do for you sir. How much are you willing to spend?" The man got up from his crouched position and brushed his slightly dirty hands on his, even dirtier, apron. 

     "As much as it takes to get my point across." Tom stated as he forced himself not to be caught staring at the man in front of him. 

     "Then we will be having a lot of fun then sir," He responded as walked toward the other side of the store motioning for Tom to follow. "I didn't catch your name earlier."

     "It's Tom. Now, if I may ask, what is your name, darling." Hearing the term of endearment, a flush broke out across his cheeks. Tom's dick hardened further.  Forcing the erection away with thoughts of old ladies and his manager, Tom was thankful the man hadn't turned around. 

     "O-Oh my n-names Harry." Harry stuttered out as he stopped in front of some various flowers, as his flush started to weaken. Now, Tom couldn't let that happen. He very much liked the way a blush looked on Harry. 

     "A beautiful name for a beautiful man." The delicious flush once again appeared on Harry's cheeks. 

     "T-Thank you," Harry stated as he started motioning towards some of the flowers in front of him. "I have exactly what you need, Tom. Here we have geraniums, which represent stupidity, foxglove, meaning insincerity, meadowsweet, which represents uselessness, yellow carnation, this one is my favorite as it means you have disappointed me, and the final one being orange lilies, representing hatred. These are the most hateful flowers we have. I think you will find them adequate." 

     "They are more than adequate, just like you, Harry." Oh how Tom was falling fast for this man. 

      Gathering up a handful of each, while furiously blushing red, Harry started walking towards the front desk. Tom followed keeping a good distance behind. Not to be polite, as Harry thought, but to look at his round ass which was a sight to behold. 

     Sadly, for Tom, the show had to end. Harry started to expertly arrange the flowers into a way that looked as if they were normal flowers. Both of them knew they weren't. Finishing up the arrangement, Harry decided to spark up a conversation. 

     "So, who are the flowers for?" Harry asked moving the foxglove into place. A chuckle escaped Tom, as he leaned against the table. 

     "It's for my boss, Albus Dumbledore. He decided to tell me that I was the most unproductive member on our team, when I know for a fact I do at least 25% of the work, out of 20 people." Harry tilted his head curiously and internally Tom cooed at the adorable sight. 

     "He came in here a few weeks ago," Tom's gaze turned inquisitive. "He wanted a bouquet of red and white roses for a girl, McNamara or something."

     "McGonagall." Tom corrected lightly. 

     "Whoops," Harry giggled as he laid the finishing touches. "It appears your arrangement is done, Tom."

     "It appears it is," Tom replied as he got out cash to pay for the flowers. Harry used his dainty fingers to close the wallet. Confused, Tom looked up and spoke in a slightly hesitant voice. "Do you not take cash?"

     "Oh no we do," Tom just looked more bewildered. "I was wondering, instead of you paying, how about you take me on a date instead." 

     Harry was a bundle of nerves and Tom knew it. Tom's face split into a seductive smile. 

     "Oh I can do you that and one better." Now it was Harry's turn to be confused. Tom chuckled as he pulled Harry in by the hips and kissed him sweetly. 


Word Count: 888

Published: June 12, 2020

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