"If your ears get cold, my thighs would be good at keeping them warm."

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Harry is a EMT. Tom is a crime lord. Tom loves to tease the cute medic and Harry is embarrassed as all get up. On their 5th meet up, Tom finally gets Harry's number through some not so appropriate jokes. Has minor mentions of blood and gun violence. This is honestly just an excuse to use terrible pick up lines.

Also if you call the number you will get a funny surprise. Also, no it's not my number. Marvel fans will enjoy the surprise. 


     "So how'd you end up here, Tom?" Harry sighed as he pulled on his gloves to examine the bleeding wounds in Tom's suit. 

     "The usual, got shot." Tom stated with a slight wince as Harry peeled away the clothes that had dried onto his body. 

     "I hate how that is the usual." Harry regretfully stated as he inspected the damage. The wound was on his thigh and had, luckily, not hit any main arteries. This was the best gun shot wound Harry had seen from Tom.

     "Good news is I only got shot once today," Tom tried to be cheerful and put a smile on his face but it fell when Harry's eyes started to fill with tears. "I'm ok, Harry."

     "I know," Harry stated as he wiped away the single tear that managed to slip past his eyes. "I just don't like seeing you get hurt this often. I mean you get shot at least once a month, and that's a great month for you." 

     Tom reached out to grab Harry's hands deciding to lighten the mood with a joke. 

     "Sorry I didn't understand that," Confused Harry directed his thoughts away from depressing topics. "I don't speak angel, unfortunately."

     Harry's face filled with color. Leaning his head down in embarrassment, Harry was hiding from Tom.  Tom cooed at the sight of a flushed Harry. A smirk fluttered onto Tom's features as another joke entered his head.

      "I may not go down in histor-" 

     "You will for the most times a person has been shot without dying." Harry cut off deciding to be sassy. Tom was shocked but was quickly liking this new Harry he was seeing.

     'Bratty... I will enjoy that in bed.' Tom thought as Harry returned to his wounds as the ambulance started to move towards the local hospital that was around 7 minutes away from their current location.

     "Before I was so rudely interrupted," Tom jested and Harry cracked a small smile. "I was going to say that I may not go down in history, but I will definitely go down on you."

     Harry, without thinking, reached out and lightly swatted Tom's arm while he exclaimed Tom's name. The red hue returned to the EMT's face. The medic had abandoned his job of starting to getting the bullet out and addressing the wound to instead focus on the man in front of him. 

     "You know it's rude to hit on your medic." Harry stated fighting the growing blush. Tom chuckled in a manor that made Harry know he was in trouble. 

     "What can I say? You've been in me so many times, that I'd like to return the favor." Tom had a smirk so wide, it appeared to reach from one side of his face to the other. Harry groaned and dropped his head into his hands as the ambulance made a sharp turn forcing Harry to fall onto Tom's stomach. Tom opened his mouth to speak, but Harry cut him of.

     "Don't you dare say it," Tom pouted hearing that but complied. "Picking bullets out of you isn't the same as having sex with you, dork" 

     "Do you wanna find out the difference?" Harry sighed in relief seeing them pull into the hospital. Tom just pouted knowing his time with the medic was almost over. In his opinion, getting shot was worth it if he got to see Harry. 

     Harry stayed silent as he prepped Tom's bed to go down the ramp and into the hospital. Without Tom noticing, Harry wrote his number on a piece of paper and put it into his fist. Right as the doors to the ambulance opened Harry leaned down into Tom's ear while slipping the piece of paper into Tom's hand. 

     "The air is really cold," Tom stayed silent as this was the closest Harry had gotten to him and what Harry said next made his heart stop. "If your ears get cold, my thighs would be good at keeping them warm. If you need me, my number is in your hand." 

     Harry gave a sultry wink that only Tom was able to see. 

    'Today was a good day to get shot.' Tom thought as he was rolled into the hospital. He glanced back to see Harry shutting the doors of the ambulance while sticking out his ass teasing Tom. 

      Unfolding the letter, Tom let out a bark of laughter that made the woman who was rolling his bed look at him like he was crazy. He was crazy, just for Harry though. 

If you are in need of an ear warming service, call me.


-XO Harry


Word Count: 862

Published: June 23, 2020

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