"C'mom. Please. I said I'm sorry."

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Just letting you know, I wrote this on mobile due to my tournament today. We are driving home so this isn't going to be top quality.
Harry is a human and Tom is a vampire. Harry and Tom get into a fight about the dishes. Harry gets revenge in a very smart way.
Harry huffed furiously as he slammed the door behind him. He had told Tom to get the dishes as he worked a long shift today, but he hadn't done that. Instead he had decided to go out with his friends.
Suddenly an idea overtook Harry. Reaching into a box that was hidden behind some old clothes, Harry pulled out his revenge. Inside the box was silver earrings, a silver nose ring, some silver bracelets, and, Harry's favorite, a silver tongue stud.
Quickly putting them on, Harry strode out to the living room where Tom was. Sitting on the couch, Tom had his head between his arms clearly upset. Hearing Harry coming to the room, he stood up expecting to hug his boyfriend and make up.
Tom stopped dead in his tracts when he saw the silver. A smirk overtook the humans face as sat across from Tom on the smaller couch. The legs of Tom seemed to give out and he fell into the plush couch.
"Babe," Tom got out as Harry showed off the tongue ring. "C'mom. Please. I said I'm sorry."
"You'll have to prove it." Harry said with a pout messing with the silver bracelets making Tom's eyes dart to them.
"How about we go to the fair tomorrow. They have a lot of exhibits that don't have silver, so I could go." Tom offered almost pleading. Harry let out a sigh of defeat seeing Tom's puppy eyes. He couldn't resist those eyes and Tom knew it.
"Fine, but you have to sleep on the couch." Harry conceded. Inside Tom both joy, at the chance to make it up to Harry, and sadness, that he had to sleep on the couch, battled in his head. Letting happiness win Tom spoke.
" Ok, I can work with that." Harry was heavily thinking of removing all of the silver and snogging Tom, but he stayed firm and left the room with a smile. Both fell asleep that night thinking of holding the other.
After waking up and getting ready, Harry and Tom headed out to the car. The silver rings Harry had put on stopped Tom from grabbing his hand as they drove.
Pulling into a spot, Harry was eager to set the next part of his plan into motion. When they were parked, Harry sprung out of the car heading in the direction of the ground attractions. Tom followed behind like a lost puppy wishing he had done the dishes like Harry had asked.
Harry rushes up to a stand and bought tickets. The vampire had no idea what the tickets were for but judging by the smile on Harry's face it wasn't going to be good. The malicious gleam in his eyes added to the feeling of dread Tom had.
Deciding to grant Tom some reprieve from his punishment, Harry removed his rings from his left hand and moved them to his right. Harry grabbed Tom's hand careful of the bracelets on his arm and dragged him towards an unnamed attraction.
Tom cursed when he realized what it was. A house of mirrors.
'I need to follow Harry or else I'm going to get so lost and confused.' Tom thought as Harry released his hand and they set out into the maze.
As if reading his mind. Harry took off into a sprint and disappeared around a corner. Tom tried to follow but ran into a mirror.
Cursing, Tom stuck his hands out trying to feel the walls before he hit them.
An hour and a half later, Tom exited the maze exhausted. Finding Harry, Tom was happy to note his silver jewelry was removed.
'Is his tongue ring removed?' Tom thought as he approached Harry practically dragging himself over there.
"Do you understand why I had you do that?" Harry asked as he had his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. Tom gave Harry the most adorable pout and nodded his head.
"I understand, I'm sorry Harry. I won't let it happen again." Harry deciding to put his boyfriend out of his misery, pulled him into a demanding kiss. Tom panicked for a second, fearing the burning pain a silver tongue stud would cause, but was relieved to find none in his boyfriends mouth.
Pulling apart, Harry grabbed Tom's hand and dragged him towards the car.
"I have another way you can make it up to me," Harry rhetorically stated. Tom internally sighed fearing the worst but his fears were for not as he was very excited to hear what Harry said. "Remember those silk ropes. I was thinking we could try them out."
"We can definitely do that." Tom said with a large smile dragging Harry into the car.
Word Count 844
Published: June 20,2020

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