Part 19

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Lilly's pov
" hey I think I should go" I say to Nathan
" oh ok" he says with sad eyes
" see you around" I say
" wait can I text you sometime" he asks
" yeah of course! I still have the same number" I say
I walk back inside and go to my room. I lay on my bed and look at ceiling. I want to forgive Nash but I just can't run right back to him! Then Cameron called me
" Lilly!" He shouts through the phone
" what" I ask worried
" you need to come over now!" He says
" why" I ask
" because Nash is throwing things everyone and he is having a nerves break down all he keeps saying is your name" he says
" ok I will be right over" I say quickly
I get into my car and rush over to Nash's apartment when I get there I run into the apartment and its a total wreck! The tables flipped over there is photos of us every where!
" Nash" I scream
" Lilly!" He says and comes and Huggs me tight
" are you ok?" I ask
" no, Lilly please forgive me I can't live without you I need you in my-" I cut him off by smashing my lips against his. And they move together and I get butterfly's in my stomach!
" Nash of course I forgive you" I say
" I love you Lilly" he says
" I love you to" I say back

Shasas pov
I got a text from Cameron
" he you want to go to the beach" he texts
" yeah! Meet me there In 5 " I respond
I get on my bathing suit and I get a towel and run to the beach and when I do he's standing there looking at the ocean.
" boo" I scream and he jumps
" hey" he says
" so what do you want to do" I ask
" we can sit here and whatch the waves" he says
" ok" I say
We sit there is peaceful silence and I like it. But that's when I look to my left and she Shawn with the same girl he cheated on me with. There standing in the water kissing. I feel tears well up in my eyes.
" I have to go" I say to Cameron
" but why" he says
" bye Cameron" I say and get up
" wait" I here him yell
I run to my apartment and go to my room and lay on my bed and cry. Then my eyelids et heavy and I fall asleep.

Lilly's pov
Me and Nash are laying in his room and Nash fell asleep. I'm on my phone going on social media. I get a text from Nathan
" hey I had fun ;)" he texted
Shit!! What do I do now! Nathan probably thinks me and Nash are still broken up and that I like him! Maybe I do like Nathan. I mean I forgive Nash but it still hurts what he did. I have so many mixed emotions right now and part of me wonders if I just have never met this blue eyed guy would my life be easier?

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