2. Chihiro x Leon - The note

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< Leon's PoV >

Someone had placed a note in my locker this morning, telling me to meet them on the rooftop after school. It said they would have something to tell me.

I don't know who it could be or what they'd want to talk about and I've been curious about it the whole day. I couldn't pay attention in class at all (not like I'd usually do that).

My friends, Mondo, Taka and Chihiro already know about the note, I immediately showed it to them after finding it. Sadly they have no idea who it's from either.

As soon as class ended, I made my way to the rooftop. I wanted to know who this note is from. I want to know what they wanna talk about.

When I arrived, they were already there, waiting for me.

"C-Chihiro?" I didn't trust my eyes, if she had something to tell me, she could have just said it at any point when we're hanging out. So why were we here now?

She turned around to face me "Y-You actually showed up?" She seemed surprised.

"Of course, why would I not? Anyway your note said you wanted to tell me something."

"O-Oh yea, abot that... it's actually two things..." She turned her head to the side and looked on the floor. "I trust you enough to tell you this, so..." she took a deep breath "I-I'm a boy..."

I was definitely not expecting that...

"I understand that you don't want to be friends with me anymore..." She turned away and started walking away "I just wanted to let you know..."

"Chihiro, wait!" I grabbed her wrist. "Your gender isn't important to me! You could be a bunny or a piranha or whatever, I'd still want to spend time with you!"

He was now facing me again. "T-Thank you. Thank you, Leon." I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

We stood there in silence for a bit, just hugging, until Chihiro started talking. "Hey Leon..."

Yeah, Chihiro said he had two things to say. I wonder what the other one is. "Yes?"

"I-I think I like you..."

I don't know what surprised me more, the fact that Chihiro is a guy or that he likes me. Well, neither of them were bad news...

"I like you too. Hey, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course!" he said while tightening the hug.

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