5. Kiyotaka x Mondo - Study session

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< Mondo's PoV >

I am really fucking bad at school, that's no secret. I don't even know how I got this far already, but I apparently did. Now I really fucked up. Private study sessions, everyday after school, and this nightmare was starting today. That isn't even the worst part, my private tutor is this dumbass: Kiyotaka Ishimaru. We have a few classes together and he's annoying as fuck in every single one of them. I would have to spend lots of time with this stupid know-it-all, and that every single fucking day. This guy will now come over to my house EVERYDAY to do some dumb schoolwork.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing doorbell. Damn it, he's already here! I got to the door and opened it, hoping it was someone else, but knowing it was pointless.

"Hello, Owada." Of course it was him.

"Don't call me by my last name." I really hate it when people call me by my last name, it's way to formal.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry, Owa- I mean, Mondo."

"Tch, it's alright, I guess. Now let's get this shit over with..."

I gestured him to follow me inside and lead him into the living room. I sat on the couch and told him to sit down as well. As soon as he did, he pulled out his math book.

"S-So, let's get started with math. Or d-do you want to start with something else?" Was he studdering?

"Whatever, let's just get this done."

"Okay, w-what exactly do you need help with?" Why is this dude studdering so much?

"Everything" there is absolutely nothing I understand about math.

"Okay, then let's look at this."

He seemed strangely happy, helping me and it was kinda... cute. Wait, cute?! That can't be right! He's annoying and he's a nerd and... and super fucking cute.

"Mondo? Mondo, are you okay?" Damn it! I was spacing out. "You don't look so well. Are you overworked? I'm sorry, were my explanations not helpful? I can try using a different method." He was rambling on and on.

"No, you're very helpful. You're good at explaining this shit that even an idiot like me can understand."

"Y-You think so? This is the first time, another student said something like that." His cheeks turned slightly red or maybe that was just my imagination. "A-And I don't think you're an idiot. If you study a bit, you could get pretty good grades too."

"Only with you're help." What's fucking wrong with me? First I think he's cute and now I'm actually being nice to him.

"That's not true, you'd probably do better without me. You're just annoyed by me, right? Just like everyone else is."

While I was thinking that at the start, it couldn't be further from the truth now. "I-I, n-no that's not true. To be honest, I'd actually like to spend more time with you." Did I just fucking say that out loud? That was so weird of me. Well, I've already embarrassed myself, so why not go all out with it. "I also think you're kinda cute..."

He turned even redder. "W-What? Do you really think so? U-Um, thank you... Hey, do you still have time? We could hang out together if you like."

"Sure, what do you want to do?"

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