Chapter 4-Missing

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A/N:Does Eve knows Kara is Supergirl? Because I remember she does 😂but whatever,Here eve knows that Kara is Supergirl

May 16
4:43 pm
When Kara is still on Lena's place
Kara's POV

"Supergirl,outside Lena's apartment....There's an alien attack"Alex warns in the comms
Now?Cant it wait?I have to have to save Lena right now and can't bring her by force.But if this 'Alien attack' is suppose to get to Lena but why haven't they come on time? I have a bad feeling about this.
"Supergirl,Are you there?" Alex asks
"This conversation isn't over" I say to Lena and fly outside and landed outside of her place
A lot of people are screaming,I look around there's a young boy crying.I walk towards him "Hey,It's okay" he looks at me and stops crying.I carry him and say "Do you know where is your mother or father?"
He points at a woman laying in the ground,I run towards her with the boy.She looks up and smiled "Gracias"(Thank you)
I nod and left them
"Supergirl" somebody screams,I turn around and it's just a regular alien
"I have been expecting you" He smirks
"How did you manage to do this...." I ask
"Well I have my own ways" he answers
"Whatever,less talking more punching"
He threw a punch,but it doesn't hurt,How? I punch him and immediately started bleeding
"How? How are you so weak?"
He laughs "Supergirl,I'm just fooling you.I am actually a regular alien but I am just a distraction"
He continues laughing till he disappears what the... There's no time for this..And I fly  back to her apartment but Lena is nowhere to be seen.I look around but nothing.Still there's clothes in her closet and her underwear are still there,they are cute though...I mean what? That's awkward
Where is she? I can't be late,the alien was just there,how did he-?
Calm down,Kara,Calm down.
Something is wrong.How did the alien made everyone feel...vulnerable
And why everyone is pushing me and Lena away?

Later in the DEO and Eve is in custody
5:17 pm

"I'm just gonna ask Eve a few questions" I say to Alex
"The answer is No" Alex continues "Until someone comes with you,your not going alone"
"Brainy can come"
"He's with Nia,at the moment"
"You can come,please" I beg
Alex rolls her eyes "I'm not coming with you"
"Because,I won't talk with a weirdo Kara ,I mean why she robbed wine?Like that doesn't make any sense."
"That's why I'm here,To find out"
"Let's do things differently then..You talk with....her and I will just keep an eye on you,make sure don't do anything stupid" She smiles
"But why do you wanna come,We are like Oldenburg sisters"
"Elsa and Anna" I smile,Alex gave me a confuse look "From Frozen,The movie?" And continues "Are you seriously talking about an animated movie?Like right now?"
"Yeah,I mean Elsa and Anna got each other's back and let me tell you Anna is so protective for Elsa and.."
Alex interrupts "I don't want to hear this okay" she open the door "Go"
I enter the room,Eve is sitting on the chair,smiling
"Greetings" I sit on the chair "Again"
Eve kept smiling "Tell me where is Lena"
She shrug and smirks. "Eve...Just tell me what are you planning..Is it Lex? Is he still alive?"
"Oh,Sweetie,Do you still think that Lex is alive?" Eve laughs
"Yes,otherwise why are you still going after Lena"
"I'm not working for anyone,I just want the Luthors to suffer like what they did to me"
"What does Lena have to do with anything?"
Her eyes wide and gave me a creepy smile "Don't you know?"
"Know what?"
"That Lena killed Lex?" She say quickly
"Nice try but Lena is not a killer" I hiss
"Isn't she though? Like,She wanted to kill Morgan Edge but because of you and her 'friendship' with you,stopped her but after Lex told her that you're Supergirl,lemme tell you it got ugly,She shot him.Her own brother she shot him just for you"
"You're lying"
"All this time,she's been" She laughs
"Your lying" I break the table,I come closer to her "Where.Is.She"
"Your gonna find her but oh wait,she's dead" Eve smiles
I punch her nose "Stop playing"
Her eyes wide and smiles "Little super is angry.It's okay,I'll give a hint she got 1 day left to live but you won't make it on time...Time to process it"
"Process what?"
"What I just told you..That Lena was using you until I saved you for her manipulations,You should thank me I saved you from a Luthor.....But instead I got a broken nose"
I chock her "Stop lying to me or I will break more than just a nose"
"Supergirl" Alex yells "What are you doing? Put her down "
Eve kept smiling,Even when she's dying she's still smiling...creep
I drop her.Eve started coughing and glares at me "You're gonna regret it" she sniffs
I come closer to her "You're the one who's gonna regret it"
Alex touch my shoulder "Out.Now" I roll my eyes and followed Alex and she closed the door and glares
"Too far Kara,too far" Alex murmur
"I had it under control"
"Under control? You were literally about to kill her...If I hadn't come sooner she would be dead by now" Alex continues "Are you okay?"
I sigh "Lena"
Alex gave me a confusing look
"Lena....hurt Lex" I said
"What do you mean by 'hurt'"
"Killed" I say in a heavy voice
"We don't know that"
"But what if she DID kill him? And why she haven't told me? I'm suppose to be her best friend,She could've told me"
"She didn't tell you because......She....ummm,You hid your identity from her and maybe she thought your friendship with her was a lie"
"No,that is not true" I continue "Our friendship meant a lot to me and I never meant to hurt her.But,I did and I don't know what to do anymore"
"What?" I breathe heavily
"You're stressed and scared that something happened to Lena,But think about it Kara.Eve is lying and we don't have proof that Lena really killed Lex.Eve is probably getting on your nerves and you know what? It's working"
"She also said,Lena got 1 day and 13 hours to live,what does she mean by it?"
"It's a lie,She's lying Kara"
"What if she's not?" I ask "What if it's not a lie?"
"Lena probably needs some space right now"
"But-" Alex interrupts "No buts,Now go home and get some rest" I nod

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