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Friday, September 19th8:54am

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Friday, September 19th

"I'm finally not grounded anymore!" I exclaimed, throwing my arm around Taime's waist. "Good. There's a party at Axl Rose's house tonight, we should go" he smiled down at me. "Yeah, sure" I smiled back, walking down the hallway to my first class. We arrived at my classroom door and I unwrapped my arm from his body and started walking into the classroom. "Um excuse me? Where's my kiss" he joked, puckering his lips. "Fuck off" I giggled.

"Slaaaash" I smiled, sitting on his desk. "What do you want?" He asked, hiding under his top hat. "You going to the party tonight?" "Obviously! Who the fuck do you think I am?" He asked, chuckling. "Fair enough" I smiled, jumping off his desk and going to my spot.

The rest of the day zoomed by pretty quickly, and by now, I was standing in front of my closet. "I have nothing to wear!" I groaned, jumping on my bed. "How about I pick out something for you?" Taime asked, his eyebrows raised. "Fine, But please don't make me look like a whore." "Oh damn, that's exactly what I was going for" he jokingly frowned. I flipped him off, and sat at my desk and began on my makeup.

"Here you go" he said, handing the outfit to me. "I'm scared" I said, biting my lip. "Just put it on dipshit" he smiled, turning around. "No peeking or I will cut off your dick!" I warned. I slipped the outfit on and damn I really like it. It was a pair of fishnets with red and black plaid shorts, and a bodysuit with combat boots. "Y'know, I might let you pick out my outfits all the time" I smiled, jumping on Taime's back. "Get off elephant" he chuckled, shoving me off.

I pulled him down with me, and he ended up on top of me. Our faces inches apart, just like when we met. We didn't say anything for at least two minutes. I could feel his breath on my neck, and it made me shiver. "Are you guys- oh sorry" dad apologized, walking in on us before leaving again quickly. "Cockblockers" I sighed under my breath. "I heard that" he whispered, smirking down at me. "Get off, elephant" i mocked.

We arrived at Axl's house and walked to the backyard, where people played beer bong and other games to do with alcohol. "Beer?" Taime asked, holding one out. "Uh hello? Remember when we first met" I giggled, pushing it away. I stood around until I noticed Kirk from the corner of my eye. "Uh I gotta go talk to someone, I'll catch up with you later" I waved to Taime.

I walked over to Kirk who stood around talking to Lars. "Hey Kirk, can I talk to you?" I asked, a soft smile on my face. "Uh sure" he hesitantly said, following me to a private place in the house. Which was the first bedroom I found. "Listen, it kinda seems like you're mad at me" I spoke, inhaling a deep breath of air. "Oh, I'm not. At all" he promised. "Okay, i just needed to hear that."

I felt a bit better, but of course, I felt he wasn't fully telling the truth. "So what's with you and Taime?" He asked, changing the subject. Fuck, why you gotta do this to me? "What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely confused. "Well are you guys together?" "No? What makes you think that?" I asked, increasingly getting more pissed off. "Well you go after me acting like you like me when you're always with him" he spoke. "Yknow what, fuck you. I wish I never met you."

I got up and left the room, slamming the door behind me. I stomped outside and right up to Taime. "You good? You're looking a bit angry" he spoke, sipping on his beer. "Shut up" I spoke, grabbing his face and connecting my lips with his. I heard his bottle drop, and soon enough his arms wrapped around my body. "Ooh they kissing" someone spoke, making me almost burst out in laughter. I pulled away and blushed, realizing what I had just done.

"I didn't know you liked me that much" He laughed, as I punched him in the shoulder. "Fuck off." The rest of the night, I stuck close to Taime, not really wanting to face anyone. "Can we go now?" I asked, tugging on his jacket. "Yeah but I had a few beers so maybe you should drive" he smirked. "You know I can't drive" I groaned, hesitantly taking the keys from him.

We said our byes and I hopped into the drivers seat. "If we die, it's you're fault" I warned, driving off. "See, you're doing fine so far" he shrugged, leaning back and relaxing. "Since you had a few beers, guess I can't let you drive home" I smirked, stopping at a red light. "Ah shit, I have a hot date" he joked, slapping his forehead. "I thought I was your hot date" I frowned. "Of course you are baby" he smirked. Okay, can someone tell me why that gave me butterflies?

We arrived at my house and I shut off the car before hopping out. Both mom and dads vehicles sat in the driveway, so I got ready for the awkwardness from earlier. "Uh hello? You comin?" Taime asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. "I'm home!" I shouted, slipping off my shoes. "We're in the kitchen!" Dad shouted back. "Hungry?" I asked, like I did last time. "Just a bit."

"Where were you two?" Dad asked, wiggling his eyebrows once we entered the kitchen. "A party" I shrugged, getting some food together. As I got ready to leave the room, I quickly turned around. "Oh and Taime's staying the night" I smiled, turning back around and heading to my room. "Does your mom not like me?" Taime asked, plopping down on my bed. "I don't think so" I giggled.

Sorry for posting late again :)

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