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sunday, november 26th 11:56am

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sunday, november 26th

now i understand why people drink, but at the moment i wasn't feeling it. waking up with the worst headache ever, was not how i planned my day. and plus, i didn't even wake up in my house. i was in some strangers house.

i cracked my eye open and let out a groan, hoping to catch the attention of whoever's house i was in. with a few unsuccessful tries, someone finally walks into the room with a tray of...tea? i open both eyes and get a good look at the person. short, blonde, roger taylor. wait a fucking minute! you're telling me i'm laying on roger taylor's couch?

"oh, you're awake!" he exclaims, in the british accent i had been longing to hear in person. "uh yeah" i groaned again, trying to sit up. "do you need some help?" he asks, rushing to my side. i get seated on my ass and get the chance to look around the room. just looks like every 70s house.

"i brought you some tea" he offers, pointing to the tray resting on the coffee table. "thanks" i speak for the first time. "no problem" he smiles. "could i ask, how did i get here?" i question, rubbing my head. "i was at the party and i saw you passed out so i didn't wanna leave you" he nods, sitting down beside me. "well thank you" i smile.

after having a casual discussion for about twenty minutes, an idea came into my head. and though not a smart idea, i felt it needed to be done. "i know this is a weird thing to ask, but could you help me make my ex jealous?" i question, playing with the sleeves of the hoodie i was wearing. "i'm not sure i should do that" he explains, making me nod. "yeah sorry, i shouldn't have asked" i smile, getting up. i walk towards the front door and he quickly stops me. "what exactly do i need to do?" he asks, stepping in front of the door. "just hang around me" i shrug and he nods. "i think that can be done."

after saying goodbye to him, i exit his house and try to find my way home. luckily it wasn't too far from where the party was last night, so i could easily find my way back. i walked through the front door and heard the tv on. mom must be in the living room. i peered around the wall and saw her sitting back in dads chair, drinking a beer. "mom?" i ask, revealing myself. "what?" she harshly asks. "nevermind" i softly speak, turning on my heels.

after getting into my room, i decide to clean out my room of all of kirk's belongings i had. it was mostly just shirts and comics. i also slid the ring off my finger and placed it into a small box. packing all of his things into a box, i walked outside and strapped it on to my bike. i decided i would drop it off at his front door.

i walked back into the house and sat at the desk in my room. i reached into the top drawer and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. taking a deep breath, i started writing whatever was on my mind.

hey kirk, it's claire. i'm sorry things had to end this way. i really like you and i was so stupid to do something like this. i wanted to return all your stuff as well as the promise ring you gave me. i hope we can forgive each other sometime in the future. i hope you're doing good. i saw you with stevie the other night, so i see you've moved on. it's okay, i'll get over it eventually. anyways, i love you.

i signed my name at the bottom and folded up the paper. this is the hardest thing i've ever had to do. i bit my lip and walked back outside to hop on my bike. his house was about a ten minute bike ride, and i arrived there rather quickly. i'm sure his mom was home as his car and another sat in the driveway. i unstrapped the box and set it on his front steps, and placed the letter on the very top. i then rang the doorbell and ran to my bike as quickly as i could.

i started riding away and didn't look back. i watched all the trees pass by as i peddled along. i never really took a moment to appreciate nature. the wind blew my hair around and i smiled, thinking back to memories kirk and i shared. i hoped he was thinking about me sometimes. but at the same time, i hoped he didn't.

as i lie in bed that night, i can't stop thinking about kirk. he's completely taken over my mind and i hate it. groaning a few times, i got up and slipped a large sweatshirt on. i slipped out through my window and grabbed my bike from the garage. maybe taking a ride would take my mind off of him. just for a few minutes is all i ask.

i peddled around town, watching all the lights turn off as most places were closing for the night. i'd never really been out on my own this late at night. it felt...weird. i stopped off at a twenty four hour convenience store to buy a candy bar or something. as i approached the counter, the man rung up my chocolate bar and looked back at me.

"you look a bit miserable, you okay?" he asks, noticing my upset face. i was too tired to put on a fake smile just to please everyone. "not really" i shrug, not really wanting to get into it with a complete stranger. "ok-" "i cheated on my boyfriend, well ex now" i spat out. i can't believe i just said that. "oh sorry about that" he nods, telling me the price for the candy. i handed him the money and nod one more time before leaving the store.

not wanting to go home, i decide to ride to taime's. he lives with brent and i have a key for his house anyways so i'll just crawl into his bed. i dumped my bike in the driveway and quietly unlocked the door. all the lights were off so i assumed both guys were sleeping.

i opened what i thought was taime's door and quietly shut the door behind me. i got into the bed and faced away from him. i could feel him moving around, until the lamp turned on. "claire?" a tired voice asked. "oh god, you're not taime. i'm sorry" i laugh, jumping up from the bed "oh yeah, he's not here" he sighs, laying back down. "do you know when he'll be back?" i ask, fumbling with the sweater. "no clue."

"what are you even doing here?" he asks, looking from the ceiling to me awkwardly standing there. "i couldn't sleep, and i just needed someone" i shrug. i didn't really feel like telling him my whole life story, so i turned on my heels and walked to the door. "listen, i don't think taime's coming back tonight so there's a spot right here. if you want of course" he laughs, pointing to the left side of his bed that was unoccupied. "i might just have to" i smile back, jumping onto the bed.

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