♡︎i. Equally Lost

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"you say i'm looking lonely, waiting for somebody"* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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"you say i'm looking lonely,
waiting for somebody"
* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Reader POV
I sit comfortably on the green couch,
set in the middle of the common area. Everyone was currently talking amongst themselves, but I set myself aside to listen to my music. I lean my head against my hand, running my fingers through my hair as my eyes wonder onto everyone around me. Ashido talking to a few of the other girls, Kirishima and Kaminari sitting on the floor, playing some card game. Midoriya talking to Iida, Todoroki standing next to them, staring blankly.
I hold my gaze on him for a bit, seeing as he's not particularly interjecting himself into Midoriya and Iidas conversation, but rather listening silently.
As if he needed something to do, or someone to be around.
I want to talk to him.

Todoroki POV
I hold my hands in my pant pockets, pulling at the fabric to give myself something to do. I'm standing next to Iida and Midoriya as they chat, not so much listening but just standing by so it didn't look as if I was by myself.
I could just go back into my room, but then i'd feel even more lonely if anything.
At least being around my classmates, I wasn't physically alone.
I bring my head up to look around at everyone else, my eyes then landing on a cuddled up y/n, sitting on the side of the couch with headphones pushed into her ears.
She had her head in her hand as she leaned an elbow on the edge of the couch, looking out of the window into the night as her other hand tapped on her thigh.
She looks rather impatient, like she's waiting for something to do,
or somebody to talk to.
I bring my hand up to move some hair out of my face, and sigh quietly as I look back down at Midoriya.
"you okay, Todoroki?" Midoriya turns to me and asks. I nod my head.
"i'm okay. just conflicted" I mumble, looking down at the floor, then back up to y/n quickly.
When I look up, I catch her eyes staring back at me, and I feel my cheeks warm a bit, my left one a bit hotter than the other.
We hold our gaze for a few more seconds, and I see her slightly bite her lip as she picks up her phone.
Should I go talk to her?
"about what, Todoroki?" Midoriya pulls me away from the situation with y/n, causing me to look down at him and Iida staring up at me.
"it's hard to explain. i'll figure it out myself. thank you" I mumble, grabbing the bottom of my shirt and pulling it down slightly.
I take another glance at y/n to see she's looking back out the window, but now the hood of her sweatshirt was pulled over her head.
I feel a slight pang of guilt circle in my chest, never really knowing when is the right chance to talk to her, but knowing I wanted to.
I just wouldn't even know how to approach her, im not really good at these things.
I basically grew up with nothing, no social experiences whatsoever, I was just pulled away from it by the first glance by my father.
Maybe i'll just wait.
wait for her,
or somebody,
Seeming as if I didn't care, but deep down I did.
I need somebody.

* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"waiting for somebody carefree"

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