♡︎xii. Heroes

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"we could be heroes"* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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"we could be heroes"
* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Reader POV
A sudden knock at my door
causes me to snap my eyes open, now fully awake.
I look around my room to see it was morning already, then hearing another soft knock at my door.
"y/n? it's Todoroki. I came to say good morning" He mumbles from the other side of the door.
I sit up as I hear this, feeling my face heat up a bit and an excited feeling grow in my chest. I reach for my phone and look at the time, suddenly noticing it was way past when my alarm should have went off.
"w-wait, what?!" I say, jumping out of bed to quickly get ready.
Aizawa will kill me if i'm late!
Did I even set my alarm last night?
Suddenly, what had happened last night rushed into memory, causing my face to heat up more.
No, I was a bit...distracted...with Todoroki,
wasn't I?
I huff and hurry over to my door, swinging it open, then seeing a surprised Todoroki on the other side.
"you could have told me how late it was, baby!" I yell, running past him as I head to the washrooms.
"what's 'baby'?" Todoroki turns to ask, causing me to hault.
Oh, he's so cute.
I turn to face him with a smile.
"Todoroki, it's a pet name" I say, walking closer to him and grabbing his hands as he raises an eyebrow.
"i'm not a pet" He deadpans, causing me to chuckle and wrap my arms around him.
"no, baby...pet names are couple nicknames, everyone uses them" I explain, bringing my hands to his cheeks and kissing his lips lightly.
"oh, I see" He smiles down at me.
Then I pull back, realizing I was definitely going to be late today.
"I have to go get ready, Todoroki!" I yell, running off again.
"see you in a bit-uh...baby" He says, remembering to use a pet name.
A blush rises to my face and my heart flutters against my chest, hearing Todoroki now call me 'baby'.
I head down to the washroom and brush my teeth quickly, then attempting to fix my hair in the mirror.
I sigh and grunt as my hair won't cooperate, then giving up on it I turn around and run back to my dorm to get my uniform on.
I swing open my door again and dash into my room, grabbing my uniform from my desk chair and slipping everything on as quick as possible.
I didn't want to look messy, but I could fix the problems as I walk over.
Once I slip on my shoes, I grab my bag and my phone as I run out of my room, rushing to the entrance of the building.
I didn't see any students left, telling me they were probably already at the school, causing me to panic.
I pull open the door and run outside, feeling the heat of the sun dance against my skin as I dart towards U.A.
Once I make it there, I run up to my classroom, pulling open the door to see everyone inside, but Aizawa not yet present.
I sigh as I walk in, glad I made it on time, then eyeballing Todoroki in his seat.
I turn on my phone to see the time as '8:29', telling me I had a few more minutes left before first.
I sigh in relief as I put my phone away, approaching Todoroki.
"i'm sorry I didn't wait for you, I had to get here on time" He says, looking up at me.
I smile down at him as I bend to fix my stockings that were still a bit crooked from rushing.
"it's okay, I wouldn't ask you to if it meant you were going to be late. you have your responsibilities too" I assure him, standing up straight once my tights are fixed.
I walk around Todoroki to stand next to my seat that was beside his, then place my bag down.
"I know we are now officially in a relationship...but that doesn't mean we hold eachother back from what's important, and right now that's becoming a hero" I say, leaning over Todorokis seat as he places his head on my hip and my arm wraps around his shoulders.
"you're right" He nods, grabbing my hand that's placed around him.
I blush slightly as I bend down to place my head on top of his, getting the slight smell of lavender as I lean against his head.
"we'll always compromise however we can to help each other with this, but we'll do it, Todoroki. we'll become heroes together" I say, standing up straight as he looks up at me with a small smile.
"reasonable enough. as long as I have you, baby" Todoroki tilts his head slightly, using the pet name that was now new to his vocabulary, making me blush and grin like a dork.
Suddenly, the door opens to reveal a tired Aizawa.
"okay, class is starting now, get to your seats" He groans, standing at the head of the class as he walks in.
I turn to face Todoroki again as I back up into my seat, and sit down.
I lean my head against my hand as a joyful grin pulls at my lips.
"together" I mouth to Todoroki, referencing what I had said the first time I had offered to be his friend, while gently brushing off my skirt.
he mouths back, understanding what I meant, then facing the head of the classroom with a genuine
and a small blush to his cheeks.

* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"me and you,
we could be"

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